
Amber Rose Doesn't Need Clothes On New Book Cover

by Stephanie Topacio Long

So, you might want to quickly close out this post if you're a weekend officer-goer. The cover of Amber Rose's debut book, How to Be a Bad Bitch debuted on Instagram on Sunday... and let's just say it revealed more than just what we can expect from the book itself. Never one to shy away from NSFW photos, a nude, Artemis-inspired Rose is featured in the cover art.

Rose shared in an Instagram post that she worked with famed photographer David LaChappelle — what they came up with is definitely a badass cover. In it, the model-slash-singer brandishes a bow and arrow, which she’s poised to fire, and a hapless male victim lies at her feet. The cover may inspire some raised eyebrows, but Rose has never let the slut-shamers hold her back, and I don't expect her to start now.

Already available for pre-sale on Amazon, Rose’s book will share “her secrets on how to lead a powerful life.” The self-proclaimed “bad bitch” aims to offers “helpful advice and personal anecdotes” about everything from finances to fashion. (Take note, because this is a woman who can make bleached eyebrows look cool.) She’ll also focus on confidence and self-acceptance — both areas in which she’s obviously an expert, based on not only her words, but also and especially, her actions. Case in point? Her new book cover:

Rose’s cover is absolutely fitting. It’s edgy and (literally) stripped-down, as the book itself promises to be. It’s due out on October 27, 2015, so mark your calendars, all you "bad bitches"-in-training!

Image: Amber Rose/Instagram