According to science, sex gets better with age. Study after study has confirmed that when it comes to being sexually satisfied and orgasm frequency, it’s age that has a lot to do with it. Getting older absolutely sucks, there’s no doubt, but at least you have something to look forward to... so that's something!
Sexual prime aside, with each decade, sex improves. The sex you have in your 20s is nothing compared to the sex you have in your 30s, and apparently, the sex you have in your 40s and 50s is going to make you realize what you were doing in 20s was just kids’ stuff. Women orgasm far easier after 40 than they ever do between 18 and 24, with the former group reporting orgasms 70 percent of the time and the latter group reporting orgasms 61 percent of the time.
But why is this the case?
Well, because grown-ass women know what they want, how to get it, and have the type of confidence that only comes with growing up. When you’re a grown-ass woman, you don’t settle for second-rate sex, but strive, both vocally and physically, to get the great sex they deserve.
Not sure what I’m talking about? Here are 11 ways grown-ass women kill it when it comes to getting laid.
1. They Own Their Sexuality
For starters, grown-ass women own their sexuality. Yes, we’re all sexual beings, but there’s a big difference in being sexual and owning that sexuality and not fearing it. They embrace the sexual parts of themselves and make no apologies for the fact that they have desires, needs, and sometimes only a one-night stand will scratch that itch. Get it, girl.
2. They’re Confident In Their Sexual Prowess
I think too many women go into sex thinking, “Am I doing this right?” They let their mind focus on the “ifs” of the situation instead of enjoying themselves. For example, a grown-ass woman does not second-guess her blowjob ability. In fact, she goes into it knowing she gives great head, and because of that she has a more enjoyable experience than someone who has doubts.
3. They’re Not Afraid To Say “No Thanks”
Anal? No thanks. 69? I’d rather have my eyes stabbed out. Sex in a slippery shower? I’ll pass. Grown-ass women aren’t afraid to give the stink eye to acts that they’re just not in to. Let’s face it: If you’re going into anal halfheartedly, it’s going to hurt like hell.
4. They’re Secure In Their Skin
To quote the great Amy Schumer, who is obviously a grown-ass woman, during her acceptance speech at Glamour UK’s Women of Year Awards:
“I’m probably, like, 160 pounds right now and I can catch a d**k whenever I want. Like, that’s the truth. It’s not a problem. I’m not going to apologize for who I am, and I’m going to actually love the skin that I’m in. And I’m not going to be striving for some other version of myself.”
Sounds to me like Amy is having fantastic sex, and a lot of it.
6. They’ve Learned The Magic Of Foreplay
Slowing things down and taking your time is one of the keys to having great sex. Sure, a quickie is always fun, but when it comes to ultimate satisfaction, slow and steady wins the race. This is something grown-ass women know, and know well.
7. They Don’t Fake It (Ever)
The biggest disservice a woman can do to herself and her partner is to fake an orgasm. Not only is she denying herself the goods, but she’s also allowing her partner to live a lie. If you don’t come, you need say so if you're ever going to reach a proper orgasm. I mean, that’s just science! Sort of.
8. They Never Shy Away From Giving Direction
Although it shouldn’t be this way, sometimes women just aren’t comfortable in giving direction or feedback, but when it comes to great sex it’s essential. If your partner thinks your clit is two inches to the left of where it is, you need to give them direction. Grown-ass women direct a sexual encounter like a goddamn seasoned foreman who’s not letting anyone go home until the job is done and done right.
9. They Know Exactly How Their Body Works
The best way to get to know your body is through masturbation, and lots of it. Grown-ass women know this, and never miss out on the opportunity to hit all their juicy bits whenever they can, which, in the process, is a lesson in anatomy and pleasure every single time.
10. They Take Care Of Their Sexual Health
According to the Center for Disease Control, depending on how many partners they have, women should get STI screenings at least once a year. Taking care of your sexual health isn’t just about making sure your vagina avoids any mishaps, some of which can be detrimental if not treated immediately, but it’s also about ensuring that your sex life is a long and healthy one. The best sex is the sex when you know both parties are safe.
11. They Don’t Waste Their Time On People Who Can’t Satisfy Them
Some people just aren’t a match when it comes to sex. It’s sad, but the truth. One of the big keys to getting the most you can out of sex is knowing when to walk away if there’s no chemistry. It’s not your fault or their fault; simply, you should just be with other people. A grown-ass woman knows when to take her leave and move on to greener pastures where that sexual chemistry is boiling over and making something extraordinary. She doesn't waste a second of her precious time.
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Images: Mateus Lunardi Dutra/Flickr; Giphy(11)