
Jennifer Aniston Will Never Do This Again

by Lindsey Rose Black

Even if Jennifer Aniston hated the "Rachel" haircut, Friends launched her into beauty and style icon fame. In a recent interview with Elle, Aniston spilled her body positive style and beauty advice, and girl gives some solid tips. Even better? Despite being a legit superstar, she seems so "real" and "let's be friends that brunch" throughout the entire interview.

Beyond acting, Aniston has definitely made a name for herself in the health and wellness arena. Walking through a beauty store, you can reach for Aniston-endorsed and owned brands for everything from soft skin to the best water choice. No rookie to the entertainment industry, this glam gal has learned what works for her and what doesn't, and exudes the empowerment that comes from that knowledge.

Aniston shared how her biggest beauty secrets don't involve what she puts on her body, but in it, as well as how important it is to cultivate a healthy attitude toward exercise. She said, "I'll usually have warm water with lemon first thing in the morning ... I have the Smart Water bottle that's 23 ounces. I make sure I get three or four in of those a day. So many people are water lazy; it's such an important thing." Drinking more water is the secret to that Aniston glow? Sign me up.

On exercise, she does cardio and Barre regularly, but not because the star is out to be "skinny." Aniston explained how "when we're kids, we're constantly working out for smaller arms, a leaner butt, a flat tummy." She tells women, "Don't beat it up so hard. Let it be. It can be a little soft." OK, while I can't say she looks "soft" anywhere, I am so digging how Aniston clearly works out to feel good instead thinking she needs to meet some external expectation.

Oh, and one thing Aniston encourages everyone to dodge? Bleached out brows. "I will never do that again," she said. "It was my first Cosmopolitan cover and Kevyn Aucoin was doing my makeup, and all of a sudden I had white foam on my eyebrows ... I was so new and naïve in the business, I didn't know that I could say no." Guess we probably shouldn't expect this celeb to test out eyebrow extensions anytime soon, either.

I'm super loving all the good vibes she gives off while answering questions, and you can read Aniston's whole interview here.

Image Credit: Giphy