More 'Day of the Doctor' Goodness

We have made clear our anticipation for the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special on many occasions past — it's Steven Moffat, after all, it's bound to at the very least get people talking even if it disappoints everyone or horribly messes up 50 years of Whovian history. The episode is going to air no matter what, so why not just buckle up and enjoy the ride and get excited? That ride now includes more "Day of the Doctor" TV spots and a couple more episode stills — so let's discuss those, shall we?
The spots, for their part, are frustratingly sparse, but that makes sense given the not one but two trailers we were treated to this past weekend. These new ones are primarily Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor whispering to the camera that "it's all been leading to this," and they're designed to pop up in between programs in Britain.
We also have a few more shots (three of which you can see below after the trailers, one of which is above) from the episode itself, though your guess is as good as mine when it comes to gleaning actual information from them.
Two of them include Rose — one with Mysterious John Hurt Doctor, the other a full-body shot in truly terrible lighting. In both she appears to be wearing futuristic/dystopian-type rags, so make of that what you will. The third of the new stills is Clara smirking near a motorbike, and the fourth is the Doctors surrounded by old-timey weapons (because of course).
Images: BBC