These "Part Of Your World" Lyrics Taught Us A Lot

For those who happen to be fans of both nostalgia and a good laugh (so, like, everybody), get ready to guffaw, because actors Jussie Smollett and Josh Gad decided to bust out into a duet of "Part Of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. The icing to top this proverbial cake made from awesomeness (and hopefully chocolate) came when Craig T. Nelson decided to jump on board by belting out the last few words of the lyric, "Wouldn't you think I'm the girl, the girl who has everything?" The duet was spurred when the actors were requested to sing together during an interview for The Hollywood Reporter, where Smollett, Gad, and other "supporting actors" were subsequently asked about their worst auditions. Said auditions included everything from fast food commercials to "spewing profanities at farm animals."
As an avid fan of Smollett, Gad, and dinglehopper-toting Disney princesses, I was elated with the fellas' choice in singalong. And with the news that a live action version of Disney's The Little Mermaid is in the works, I'm hoping to see many more renditions of "Part Of Your World," otherwise known as my favorite Disney song of all time. Seriously, guys, was I the only child to call forks dinglehoppers — and attempt to use said fork as a hairbrush — until Beauty and the Beast dropped? My embarrassing omissions aside, The Little Mermaid freaking rocks.
I'm not gonna lie and tell you that "Part Of Your World" isn't a fixture on my iTunes, because I literally have the song blasting in my earbuds as I write this. The interesting thing about listening to this ballad as an adult is how certain themes throughout the lyrics resonate in a different, more profound way. As you get older, you may become arguably less enchanted by certain actions taken by our fave Disney princesses, particularly things like becoming infatuated with an unconscious prince — and then being courted by a prince when you've been completely muted by a sea witch. Communication is key, amiright? And how did they get married after having barely one conversation?? I digress...
Weaved within the lyrics of "Part Of Your World" are several messages about believing in yourself and facing fear, which are things we can relate to at any age. Let's take a look, shall we?
"Wouldn't You Think I'm The Girl...The Girl Who Has Everything?"
The question is posed ironically, as Ariel has a hard time appreciating the life surrounding her when she has other ambitions and craves adventure. This lyric sends the message that it is OK to explore opportunities and passions, especially when feeling stagnated. Change is scary, but it can also be worth the risk.
"But Who Cares? No Big Deal...I Want More"
Do you guys want thingamabobs? Because Ariel's got, like, 20. After the mermaid princess rattles off a list of her prized "gadgets...gizmos...whozits and whatzits galore," she becomes despondent as the material items don't lead to fulfillment. Money — or scavenging for deep-sea treasures — really can't buy happiness.
"I Wanna Be Where The People Are"
Friendships are the best ships, amiright? It can sometimes be hard to put yourself out there, especially when meeting new people. Ariel's fierce commitment to experience and building relationships is admirable, and teaches us more about taking chances.
"What Would I Give If I Could Live Out Of These Waters?"
I'm not saying you should up and move out of your city or suburb today, but the lyric definitely resonates with those who crave some exploration. As with the aforementioned lyrics, this also inspires facing fears of traveling and experiencing new things.
"Bright Young Women, Sick Of Swimming...Ready To Stand"
Girl power, #FTW!
"What's A Fire And Why Does It — What's The Word? Burn?"
Talk about a lifelong learner, eh?
"Wouldn't I Love, Love To Explore That Shore Up Above?"
Whether it's exploring a new place, a new relationship, or even exploring different facets of yourself, the fear and risks never outweigh the benefits of taking on a new journey. Thanks for the inspiration, Ariel!
Images: Disney (1); Giphy (7)