This Exclusive 'Magic Mike XXL' Clip Is So Hot

Because any day is a good day to discuss Magic Mike XXL, I am pleased to present you with a little visual excitement for my most-must-see movie of the summer by way of an exclusive first look at an upcoming TV spot which features stars Channing Tatum, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Stephen "tWitch" Boss, their abs, and a few pelvic thrusts for good measure.
In this 30 seconds of expert teasery below, you are treated to a proper setup of the film's plot (yes, it does matter that there is one). Judging from the quick cuts of the men dancing, the aforementioned abs, and brief bits of dialogue, XXL is an epic "last ride" for Mike and his fellow male dancers, which basically involves getting the band back together again for one more movie full of an epic series of stripteases.
Choice quotes include: "I'm going down in a tsunami of dollar-bills," proclaimed by BDR (Manganiello); "Day-um!" in reference to BDR's biceps, and "It's like riding a bike," said by Magic Mike himself (Tatum), referencing his return to stripping.
These well-crafted 30 seconds serve as a perfect enticing reminder for why XXL's July 1 release date cannot get here fast enough. Watch, enjoy, repeat.
Image: Warner Bros. Pictures/YouTube