Have you ever found yourself wishing that you could watch a proposal viral video and an action adventure film at the exact same time? No? OK. Well, it happened anyway. It's like the Bad Blood video meets a Disney proposal video meets an intensely generic car chase scene. Essentially, the guy told the bride were shooting an action video (just a casual activity for them, apparently) and on the last take, he popped the question and made it an action movie proposal. The result is an "explosive engagement"—see what they did there? Nailed it.
I give the future groom a lot of credit for not trotting out a 8-piece band or pulling off any other kitschy ploys. And while there are exactly zero viral proposals that I wholeheartedly sign off on, I can see at least a few pros: Waiting for the last take was strategic because it didn't ruin the film and it had the element of surprise. But, it also certainly had its cons: She cried a LOT, which was beautiful, but she probably wasn't stoked that it was all captured on tape. And it probably wasn't an intimate moment with a director, director of photography, and the rest of the crew standing by.
You can be the judge.
Here's the action video:
And here's the proposal:
Watch the full video for an action packed proposal experience and/or your worst nightmare:
Images: YouTube(2)