This Gender Neutral Kids Clothing Is Adorable

Are you sick of browsing the aisles of kids clothes at your local big box only to be bombarded by sexist baby clothes or outdated, gender segregated "pink" and "blue" sections? If trying to buy something for the little one in your life is seriously bumming you out, then you're going to be grateful for Muttonhead Clothing's new gender neutral kids clothing collection, Lil' Mutts. Not only are the garments free from archaic notions of what "boy" and "girl" apparel is; they're also free of the seemingly ever-present branded cartoon characters.
Muttonhead has been manufacturing classic unisex sportswear for adults since 2009 — and the feedback from customers on its Facebook page suggests that the public has been wanting the same aesthetic in children's wear for a long time.
"When creating the children’s line, we took our best sellers and made them into mini versions," Meg Sinclair from Muttonhead tells me in an email. "Found in a range of colors, every piece is gender neutral and is designed to provide comfort and ease."
The line consists mostly of comfy clothes in classic sportswear styles — like sweatpants and crewneck sweaters — in a heather grey with splashes of a minty blue, warm red, and bright orange. The items are totally adorable, totally comfy, and totally practical. Lil' Mutts is also completely made in North America. "Through this, we are able to fully control quality and guarantee fair trade practices," Sinclair says. Pieces run from $28-$60.
Whether you're trying to raise a boy or a girl while subscribing a little less to those dated "boy clothes" and "girl clothes" ideals, or whether you're trying to raise a kid who's just a little less influenced by the gender binary, this line is a refreshing option.
Muttonhead's declaration that its clothing is for "all genders" — and not just for a "borrowed from the boys" type of look is the kind of thing that makes me hopeful for the world of fashion. Inclusiveness needs to include all ages and all genders.
Images: Courtesy Muttonhead