Fifty to 80 percent of the population may be cursed with the cold sore virus, but that doesn't mean your sex life has to be put on hold during an outbreak. The fine folks at Make Love Not Porn have created a handy video of oral herpes sex tips to help out those who might be a little squeamish about the whole ordeal. Although it might not feel like the sexiest time to do the deed, you're already dealing with the annoyance of a cold sore, so you kinda deserve a little pleasure to make up for it, right?
Oral herpes is incredibly common, but still carries with it a completely unnecessary stigma. It should go without saying, but a cold sore doesn't mean you are "dirty" or "slutty" — in fact, you can get the virus in utero, which means you can actually be a virgin and carry the oral herpes virus, so that settles that. Just knowing all these facts doesn't make walking around with a crater on your face any easier, though. Here are a few hints from Make Love Not Porn stars Colin and Gray on how to keep your sex life going even when you have an outbreak. To watch the full video, sign up is free (and did we mention there's real world sex, lots of #realworldsex, when you do?).
Watch Your Diet To Shorten Outbreaks
Basically all guilty pleasure foods can increase your chances for an outbreak, so there's one good reason to pass on booze and desserts.
Create And Carry A Cold Sore Kit
Whether you're just going to work or going to meet up with your significant other, a cold sore kit is a must have. Pack it with Q-tips, l-lysine tablets, hand sanitizer, SPF lip balm, and healing ointment like Campho-Phenique.
Use Coconut Oil (For Your Cold Sore & As Lube)
Coconut oil has amazing anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties — and it doubles as a great lube — so you should definitely keep a jar of the stuff around for multiple reasons.
Try Other Positions To Stay Safe
Unfortunately, kissing is off the table, but there are plenty of ways to work around this minor inconvenience. Try these positions — or invent your own — to avoid mouth-to-mouth contact.
Check Out These Resources For More
Oral herpes shouldn't have to get in the way of your love life. If you're looking for more ways to cope with the inconvenience of cold sores, look no further!
Images: Rowena Waack/Flickr; Make Love Not Porn