Nick Participates In Age-Old 'Bach' Tradition

We’ve all seen the previews, and by now everyone should know that Nick Viall is returning to The Bachelorette this season, which is going to create so much drama in the house. In case you forgot, Nick Viall was on Andi Dorfman’s season of The Bachelorette and was sent home before the final rose ceremony. According to the newest issue of US Weekly, Nick will be back for the June 8 Bachelorette episode, to win Kaitlyn's heart. We know from Nick's twitter feed that he had a crush on Kaitlyn while watching her season of The Bachelor, so I wasn't that surprised to see that he's attempting to give The Bachelorette another shot now that she's leading the show. But, it's going to be interesting to see how things play out considering crashing midseason has never really worked out for anyone in the past. Based on their near 100 percent failure-record, producers should really stop letting contestants do that.
Here's what normally happens when an eliminated contestant tries to show back up: Chris Harrison talks to the Bachelor/Bachelorette about it for awhile, then the person confronts the Bachelor/Bachelorette, all the other contestants spend a lot of time being angry about it, etc. It’s a really long process that takes away from the other events, like the actual dates with the regular contestants who deserve to be there. There have been quite a few times that people have tried to come back, but in the show's combined 30 Bachelor and Bachelorette seasons, there was only one time that a returning contestant actually won the show. And he wasn't even originally eliminated like most returning contestants are. Ed Swiderski on Jillian Harris’ season left for work when he was about to lose his job and came back when he “realized” she was more important. (The couple lasted roughly a year before they broke up.)
But, besides Ed, there have been so many unsuccessful crashers on the series, and I am here to remind you of them and why it totally doesn't work. Sorry, Nick.
Jordan From Chris Soules’ Season
Jordan got a little too tipsy last season and was sent home early on in the farmer’s season, but drove from her hometown of Denver to New Mexico to try for a second chance. Chris spoke with her but ultimately decided it wasn’t fair to the other women to let her back in the fold. It was a 20 minute ordeal that could have instead been centered around Chris talking to the other girls.
Kacie From Ben Flajnik’s Season
She tried to warn him about about Courtney Robertson and it backfired horribly. He sent her home and it ended with her crying on the floor of the hotel. Not the most dignified exit.
Chris on Andi Dorfman’s Season
Chris Bukowski showed up at the house and attempted to get in the running for Andi. After a dramatic scene that included a bouquet of roses, Bukowski was turned away. Later he told TMZ, that his “surprise” appearance was all the producers’ idea. Hmm, kind of makes you wonder about Nick Viall's sudden appearance this season...
Kimberly From Chris Soules’ Season
The ladies just could not get enough of the farmer. Kimberly was eliminated in the first week, but then came back and asked him to give her another shot. Chris agreed to let her back, but apparently his feelings didn’t change because she was booted at the next rose ceremony.
Jake From Jillian Harris’ Season
Ah, Jake Pavelka. He came back on Jillian’s season to tell her that another contestant had a girlfriend back home. She ignored him and then sent him packing, which probably turned out for the best considering her got to be the next Bachelor.
Reid From Jillian Harris’ Season
What is up with Jillian Harris and everyone wanting a second chance with her? Reid came back and proposed to her, but she declined.
Ryan From Ashley Hebert’s Season
Ryan Park came back during the fantasy suite to ask Ashley why she didn’t want him. They chatted and he left. It was actually pretty civil. Now it’s quite obvious why they didn’t work out since her and J.P. and their baby are basically the cutest thing ever.
There you go, Nick Viall. May the odds be ever in your favor. (Even though history says they won't be.)
Images: Nick_Viall28/Instagram; Rick Rowell/ABC (2); ReactionGifs; ABC/Screenshot (2)