Clint Is A 'Bachelorette' Troublemaker

If you've seen one of those ridiculous "Brokeback Bachelor" ads where, through the magic of editing, Clint Arlis makes declarations of love for JJ Lane, you might be wondering, "who is Clint from The Bachelorette?" Before these ads, Clint was just that guy who drew a really rad dinosaur picture for Kaitlyn. But, it turns out, that even when he's not on TV, Clint is a controversial figure wherever he goes. Everything about his past has some kind of asterisk attached — he's not the guy who will get the fans excited, or even furious while sitting at home. Instead, he's just sort of a total mismatch for the show, even if Kaitlyn hit it off with him at first. Jumping in the pool was cute, but Clint's cockiness came across more as annoying than charming.
And, everything that he's done since appearing on the show has been controversial too. It basically seems like this guy will never just be another regular joe from the Midwest. No, even though he's from Chicago and according to his Instagram loves the Blackhawks and has an architecture portfolio online, he's not a mild mannered Bachelorette contestant. He's a bad-to-the-bone troublemaking Bachelorette contestant. And, while let's hope that Clint at least flames out in an entertaining way, there's basically no doubt in my mind that he'll be heading home very soon.
1. His Reaction To Those Offensive Ads Also Managed To Offend
Somehow Clint managed to go so far that he passed relatable and approached just as offensive as what the editing team was doing. His tweets also went for lame gay panic jokes, making comments about his dad and being in the closet... ugh.
2. He Reportedly Has A Criminal Record
Plenty of people go to jail and then become productive, wonderful citizens. Of course, it becomes much less likely that they will win a reality show competition once that happens. According to Star, Clint has two arrests for alcohol offenses. While Star's not always the most reliable source, if true, it might not be a dealbreaker in any other job, but as a representative of the Bachelorette franchise, I'm pretty sure that disqualifies you.
3. He Is On A Flip Cup Team
With matching fat-shaming shirts. And he's 27. I tried to think of a way this makes him a Bachelorette renegade, but it's just kind of embarrassing.
4. He Defied Amy Schumer
Sacrilege! Also, he takes credit for teaching JJ everything he knows, which must include those jokes — it's so nice to finally have someone to blame for that awkwardness.
5. He's Already Taking Selfies With Other Ladies
Not that there's a problem with a single guy hanging out with single women. That's just another clue that he's probably on his way out the door on The Bachelorette... and yet he couldn't even wait for his official exit to pull out those photos.
6. He's Probably On His Way Out Already
Since last week saw Kaitlyn send Kupah home before the rose ceremony because of an argument, I think Clint's attention-seeking might give him the boot before the episode is over here too. Pay close attention to the Frankenstein editing here, and you can see that Clint does say "Kaitlyn's not the girl for me" and "I need the rose tonight." Sounds like the words of a man who thought he could outsmart The Bachelorette's crack production team. But Clint was never going to last on Bachelorette — he's just too much trouble.
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC