How To Grow Out Your Eyebrows

Barely there brows are the worst. We've all been there after an eyebrow waxing or over-plucking disaster, and now, all you want to do is figure out how to grow out your eyebrows or handle a terrible plucking disaster, without losing your mind. Maybe it happened after an emergency visit to some random nail salon while stranded in The Middle of Nowhere. Maybe you got a little too tweezer happy one night after spending too much time in front of the mirror. Whatever the case, tragedy ensued and you've found yourself left with a set of brows that are far from on fleek. What are you to do now?
Whether you're looking for a quick and easy solution for your sparse brows or are patient enough to do whatever it takes to get your brows on Brooke Shields-level, here are 5 easy steps that'll help you cope with eyebrow loss. The journey to full and fabulous brows may be a long one, but who says you can't cheat a little bit along the way? With some miracle tools, a stellar eyebrow palette, and a bit of patience, your brows will be back in no time.
1. Seek Immediate Relief
Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zing, $32, Sephora
Fake it till you make it. Ain't nothing wrong with filling in eyebrows with a pencil or powder and wax brow kit. Comb your remaining brave soldiers into place and follow Bustle's expert tips on how to shape your eyebrows to appear fuller. Just remember that although your brow kit may come with tweezers, it does not mean you should use them.
2. Let Them Grow
The docs over at WebMD explain your decimated brows will be reborn via a three stage process of growth. Anagen is the active phase of hair growth and for brow hair takes 30-45 days. Don't pluck hair that begins to appear, even if you hate where it appears. Be patient. The Catagen phase lasts two to three weeks and is when the root solidifies forming the club hair. The Telogen phase lasts over three months and make up the majority of the brow hair you see.
3. Be Patient
This is the super hard part. Don't pluck! Your eyebrow hair grows slower than the hair on your scalp or your legs. The experts interviewed for NYMag say don't even touch your brows until after 16 weeks of eyebrow regrowth. If you're losing your mind because random hairs are popping up like malicious weeds, stay calm. Do not pluck them. Use concealer for strays and stay in it for the long game.
4. Stimulate The Area
Dermalogica Gentle Cream Exfoliant, $32, Amazon
A very gentle exfoliation of the area while waiting for regrowth can stimulate the process. Limit exfoliation to once or twice a week to avoid irritating delicate skin. For savvy budget gals, pure jojoba oil applied directly to the area acts as an exfoliant when gently swiped in a circular motion with a cotton ball. With oil or cleanser remember to only move the product, NOT your skin.
5. Cheat
If you're sure that you won't survive another season of The Bachelor without full eyebrows, there are magic potions you can use to kickstart a lusher browscape. Products, like Latisse, contain prostaglandin which simulates hair growth hormones and creates a fuller brow line while you are using the product.
6. It's Plucking Season
When you have surpassed at least 16 weeks of continuous non-plucking, you may unsheathe your tweezers. Eyebrow experts featured in Huffington Post recommend plucking in rows. This is excellent strategy for how to shape your eyebrows and how to make eyebrows grow in a fuller way.
7. Be Patient Some More
After an eyebrow debacle, your brows won't be fully coming in for 4-6 months, and in some cases can take up to 12 months. Here again, is where the row plucking technique comes in. Only pluck hairs that are lower on the lid, nearer your lash line. As you pluck the low-hanging fruit, you allow the hair growth to focus in your brow region. But don't rush! Wait at least four months before plucking eyebrows. If the upper areas are making you insane due to patchiness, breathe deep and go back to Step 1: Fake it till you make it by filling in with brow pencil or powder.
You're now ready to survive any eyebrow-related disaster that life may throw your way! And remember that growth can be inhibited and eyebrow hair loss can be caused by certain medications, diseases, or skin conditions. Be sure to check with your doctor if you think your bald brows may due to something beyond a botched waxing or overzealous plucking session.
Images: Fotolia; Giphy (3), Product pages (2),; Getty (1)