Emma Stone + Bradley Cooper = New BFFs?
Who would have known that Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper would hit it off so well? Stone and Cooper are starring in the upcoming movie Aloha, which hits theaters on May 29, and it seems like they've become pretty good friends after filming in Hawaii together. Emma Stone and Bradley Cooper talked being housemates for a week in Hawaii — they were on separate ends of the island for a lot of filming — in a joint interview with E! News, and their friendly banter alone might be enough to make you want to see the movie.
When they were asked about Cooper's lease being up at his place, Stone said, "We were roommates." Cooper quickly chimed in, "Housemates!" Then Stone replied, "You had your own little section… your little enclave." The way they play off of one another when asked questions shows that they seem completely relaxed and at ease with one another, which is not always the case for costars in a romance story. For example, who can forget how much ado was made about the supposed uncomfortable tension between Fifty Shades of Grey costars Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan? Well, it would be really hard to accuse Stone and Cooper of the same thing. In fact, the two seem so chill that it will make you excited to see if their chemistry on film is as half as good as it appears to be in real life.
In the movie, Cooper plays a military contractor who returns to Hawaii to work on an important job. While there, he attempts to reconnect with an old flame (Rachel McAdams), but then things start to get interesting between him and a watchdog who has been assigned to him (Stone). Of the film, Cooper told E! News, "I think it's an attempt at rejuvenating the romantic comedy genre. I mean, that's sort of a place people stay away from these days because it's hard to make a good one and I think Cameron ran head first into it."
The actor is right about romantic comedies not faring too well with audiences in recent years, but that does not mean there can't be a turnaround for the struggling genre. After all, it takes actors with a good sense of comedic timing coupled with a believable romantic arc. And if this interview is any evidence, it seems like Stone and Cooper are the right people to take on the job.
Check out the video below and see what you think!

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