15 Books As Darkly Romantic As 'Twilight', Because That Chemistry Is Exactly What Kept You Turning Pages Years Ago
Whether you were Team Edward or Team Jacob, you may have had a time in your life during which you were just a teensy tiny bit Twilight -obsessed. Who can blame your middle-school self? There was something so darkly alluring about the story of a completely ordinary girl falling in love with a super-old vampire. Sparkles! Werewolves! The Volturi — oh my!
Maybe Bella wasn’t everyone’s favorite character, and maybe the movies were often over-the-top (and maybe I forced my youngest brother to go see the last one with me while we laughed at unintentionally funny moments), but there’s no denying that it was a pretty significant craze for a reason. Because who can resist a classic story of Forbidden Romance? And whether you sold your four-book set at a yard sale years ago, or proudly display the series on your bookshelf now, you probably can’t help missing that hearts-beating-fast teenage chemistry. After all, since the newest Twilight-inspired work isn’t out yet, you’ve got some time to fill, so why not fill it with some swoon-worthy romance? And yes, these books are actually romantic.
Image: Summit Entertainment
'Wuthering Heights' by Emily Brontë
This classic was one of the inspirations for Twilight , so even though there are no vampires in Thrushcross Grange, it still has the dark and gothic feel that Meyer’s series emanates. Catherine and Heathcliff, the Edward and Bella of another time, endure a tortured, drawn-out romance, and through their story Brontë examines the concept of passion.
'Grave Mercy' by Robin LaFevers
Ismae Rienne escapes an abusive arranged marriage, ending up at St. Mortain, a convent that teaches the art of assassination. But Ismae ends up falling for her target instead. Amidst a bleak, Twilight -esque landscape, this is a classic tale of star-crossed lovers (with a pretty badass protagonist).
'Girl With a Pearl Earring' by Tracy Chevalier
Chevalier’s work, based on the Johannes Vermeer painting, is a fictional account of the backstory of this famous work of art. Fans of the historical elements in Twilight will appreciate the timeless romance between model Griet and artist Vermeer as he paints her portrait. Although none of the characters are vampires, the story centers around another type of immortality — art.
'Eyes Like Stars' by Lisa Mantchev
Beatrice Shakespeare Smith lives in the Théâtre Illuminata, a magical theater alive with characters from various plays. Beatrice is caught in a love triangle between Ariel from The Tempest and Nate, a pirate from The Little Mermaid , in a romance similar to the Jacob/Edward/Bella plot line.
'Rebecca' by Daphne du Maurier
This gothic romance will appeal to fans of the darker moments in Stephenie Meyer’s series. The young narrator has a whirlwind romance with the mysterious Maxim de Winter, only to find that his entire estate, Manderley, is still drenched in memories of his late first wife, Rebecca. Because the narrator is never named, she is similar to the everygirl character of Bella Swan, and readers can view the lush gothic world of Manderley through her eyes.
'The Luxe' by Anna Godbersen
If you took the dark romance of Twilight and combined it with the ritzy Manhattan glamour of Gossip Girl and set the whole thing in 1899, you’d have The Luxe . Elizabeth Holland falls in love with stable boy Will, but their differing social standings keep them apart. It’s a classic star-crossed lover tale.
'Poison Study' by Maria V. Snyder
Yelena is released from prison on the condition that she accepts a position as a royal food taster. Her mentor, Valek, trains her in the art of detecting poison — and she trains him in the art of looove. Their romance is set against the high-stakes backdrop of political intrigue in the court, reminiscent of the Volturi plotline in Twilight .
'Water for Elephants' by Sara Gruen
The Washington Post says that readers will ”get lost in the tatty glamour” of this world, a phrase that perfectly encapsulates the gritty book Water for Elephants . Protagonist Jacob Jankowski falls in love with star circus performer Marlena, but the path to their love is a rocky one. Their intense chemistry, however, constantly brings them together, reminiscent of Edward and Bella’s magnetic pull in Twilight .
'Neverwhere' by Neil Gaiman
Richard Mayhew falls into the world of London Below with the enigmatic and talented Door, and he must trade his monotonous life above to complete a quest in this grimy, twisted secret world. He and Door begin a friendship, which soon turns into a romance, amidst their adventures attempting to escape creepy assassins Croup and Valdemar.
'The Beautiful and the Cursed' by Page Morgan
Set in 19th century Paris, this paranormal romance skips over the traditional vampire/human coupling and pairs together a girl and… a gargoyle. The characters live in an abandoned abbey full of twisted mystery, aka the 19th century version of rainy Forks, Washington.
'Deadly Little Secret' by Laurie Faria Stolarz
An ordinary high school girl is drawn to a mysterious high school boy. Everyone warns her that he’s nothing but trouble, but she can’t seem to stay away. Also, they’re chem partners. Sound familiar? Deadly Little Secret is the story of Camelia, who is drawn to the brooding Ben, though something about him isn’t quite right. Although the setup is similar to Twilight, Deadly Little Secret is no knockoff, and fans will enjoy the twists in this paranormal mystery.
'Persuasion' by Jane Austen
Although Anne Elliot hasn’t been waiting to find love for quite as long as Edward has, at the beginning of Persuasion , she’s spent eight years apart from former flame Frederick Wentworth. After rejecting Wentworth because her family didn’t approve, Anne never truly forgot him. This book is one of the most beautiful and romantic stories of all time, and has it all: a brooding hero, a protagonist caught up in her own mind, and WENTWORTH’S LETTER. Seriously. Wentworth’s letter is perfect.
'Cinder' by Marissa Meyer
In this fairytale retelling, Cinderella becomes Linh Cinder, a cyborg living in New Beijing. Fans of the fairy tale feel of Twilight will be drawn in to this story of mechanic Cinder, the alluring Prince Kai, and the deadly plague sweeping over New Beijing.
'The Remains of the Day' by Kazuo Ishiguro
Stevens, an aging English butler, takes a car trip, and reflects on his life and choices along the way. He spends much of his time musing on his relationship with Miss Kenton, a former colleague, and the result is a darkly romantic look at emotional expression, loyalty, tradition, and love. Like Edward and Bella’s roller coaster of a relationship, Stevens’s relationship with Miss Kenton is a major focus of this alluring and beautifully written masterpiece.
'Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare
Since Romeo and Juliet is one of the works that inspired Twilight , it’s necessary to list. Shakespeare’s classic story of forbidden love between a young couple is one of the most iconic tales of star-crossed lovers, and contains some beautiful lines. Example: ”Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” No one can write characters with crazy magnetic chemistry quite like Shakespeare.