As of late, everyone has been dying to channel our favorite mythical horse with unicorn inspired style. Seriously, it's super "in," you guys. My personal adoration of these magical creatures began in my childhood. I have always been a huge fan of anything fantasy related and I still cling on to the hope that one day I will come face to face with a real unicorn. That being said, I hope and pray that someone doesn't make a genetically modified version of a "unicorn," possibly comprised of a horse and a rhino spliced together... That's the stuff your worst nightmares are made of! My love affair with unicorns probably stems from being brought up on 1980s fantasy movies like Legend and animated film The Last Unicorn.
There is just something so intoxicating about unicorns. From their sleek coats to their majestic horns to their magical powers, they are irresistible creatures. If they actually do exist somewhere in the world, they do well to stay away from humans as there would definitely be some cruel folk out there who would hunt them for sport, race them, or mount their heads on plaques. Perhaps all fantastical creatures of our legendary tales are real (such as mermaids, selkies, and elves) but they hide themselves away from us because they know the evil side of mankind. Damn you meanies, spoiling it for everyone!
We will have to survive by harvesting our unicorn style inspiration from other sources. So here are some Instagram snaps to help you channel your inner unicorn.
1. The Stylish Unicorn
Would you take a look at that lilac mane? How about that ladylike leopard print coat? Emi Unicorn is a freelance stylist whose Instagram account features all things unicorn and all things fashion: a match made in heaven! For on point photography and super hot fashion, head on over to Emi's feed ASAP.
2. The Famous Unicorn
Just when I thought I couldn't love this gal anymore, Taylor Swift goes ahead and dresses up as a unicorn. Technically Taylor is dressed as a pegacorn or alicorn (a Pegasus/unicorn hybrid) or more simply, a flying unicorn! Swift proves here that women don't always have to wear Mean Girls style costumes to look great.
3. The Burlesque Unicorn
Have you ever seen a unicorn strip? Well now you have! Burlesque performer Elsie Nouveau incorporated the fantastical pony into one of her routines. Nouveau describes herself as a "mystical unicorn spirit extraordinaire" and I totally agree!
4. The Pastel Unicorn
Although not her usual attire, this theater student has done an amazing job with her costume for a party. Complete with lilac hair, a flower crown, a horn, and unicorn makeup, she's totally winning in the unicorn style stakes.
5. The "Geeky Unicorn"
This self confessed "geeky unicorn" of "unicornchronicles" enjoys a bit of nerdish pop culture. But who doesn't? The most anatomically correct of this bunch of unicorn stylists, this mask-wearing unicorn lover enjoys playing dress up and embarking on adventures.
6. The Romantic Unicorn
If Juliet was a unicorn, this is what she would have worn. "Schlammkrabbe" made her feminine unicorn costume with her own fair hands. She is a "hobby photographer" and you can see from her feed that she enjoys embarking on photo shoots and playing with editing software to create magical photos.
7. The Rainbow Unicorn
This lady is the cutest! Her Instagram feed contains some of my favorite things: crafting, baking, and unicorns. "Glittery_rainbow_unicorn" loves pastels and she made herself some super sweet unicorn cupcakes to celebrate her birthday — a woman after my own heart.
8. The Modified Unicorn
Kassie loves experimenting with her look using body mods. She has undergone scarification, has a split tongue, and rocks Elfin ears. Kassie also has lots of tattoos and dyes her hair frequently. She is ethereal and otherworldly, just like a real unicorn.
9. The Glittering Unicorn
Lynette is a hair and makeup extraordinaire and her feed is full of beauty ideas, including this stunningly sparkling unicorn look.
10. The Unicorn Cafe
Although not a person's Instagram feed, the Unicorn Cafe's Instagram is packed full of rainbow food and unicorn interior design to give inspiration to even the most uninspired unicorn wannabe. Plus the food... There are no words.
11. The Last Unicorn
Sierra Colleen went to see The Last Unicorn dressed in whimsical unicorn attire and met the author of The Last Unicorn novel, Peter S. Beagle. This is the stuff dreams are made of!
Polish your horn, throw on some glitter, and dye your hair a pastel shade because unicorn style is here to neigh!
Images: Giphy; emiunicorn, taylorswift, elsienouveau, jessradomska, unicornchronicles, schlammkrabbe, glittery_rainbow_unicorn, modified.unicorn, _luvnette, unicornbrand, thelicornellesierra/Instagram