'Legends Of Tomorrow' Won't Arrive Tomorrow

In what might be the biggest no-brainer of the new Fall TV season, The CW has picked up the Arrow and Flash spinoff, Legends of Tomorrow . This is amazing news for fans, like myself, who have become incredibly attached to not just the stories of Oliver Queen and Barry Allen, but their super-friends, too. Legends of Tomorrow is combining our favorite super-sidekicks from both series into one amazing, epic show, so naturally I'm already voting it Best New Show of The Fall. However, we won't exactly see it in the fall. Legends of Tomorrow won't premiere until midseason, so even though it's part of the new 2015 lineup, we won't see it until early 2016.
While we wait for Legends of Tomorrow to start, at least we'll still have Arrow and The Flash to hold us over. This past season, both shows took a short winter hiatus, so more than likely we'll see Legends of Tomorrow fill one of their vacated primetime spots during the break. There's no episode count ordered for the show yet, but if I were in charge of that decision I'd order 1 million. There probably won't be that many, though. With a midseason premiere, we're looking at somewhere between eight and 12 episodes in the series' first season.
We do know that Legends of Tomorrow will crossover with Arrow and Flash in one way or another. I wouldn't be surprised if we see the events of both the shows slowly lead up to the spinoff. In the trailer above, Oliver and Barry even show up to reveal the bad guy this new gang of heroes is up against: Vandal Savage. Something makes me think that this Vandal guy has crossed paths with Oliver and Barry already, which leads them to ask for help.
Holding off until midseason also gives The Flash and Arrow enough time to prep us for these characters. For example, Sara Lance (once again played by Caity Lotz) was dead and buried, but now is very much alive. Don't we want to see her being taken to the Lazarus Pit? I know I do. I also want to see Ray Palmer make an adorkable exit from Arrow — and we need to know how he survived that explosion in Palmer Technologies (even though he hints at it in the trailer, showing us that he was "small" and "wasn't dead").
Though it might feel like we'll be waiting forever for Legends of Tomorrow, at least it's already proven its potential as an amazing companion to Arrow and The Flash.
Image: Jordan Nuttall/The CW