'Scream Queens' Trailer Puts The "Eek" In "Freak"

I scream, you scream, we all scream for Ryan Murphy's new anthology horror series. The new trailer for Scream Queens puts the the "itch" in "bitch," and the "eek" in "freak." It's everything we fans could've hoped for from the man who brought us both Glee and American Horror Story — in fact, it's sort of like both those shows rolled into one, shiny, hot pink package.
As previously reported, Murphy brought back back some of his favorite gals to star in the show, including Lea Michele (Rachel from Glee) and Emma Roberts (Madison Montgomery and Maggie Esmerelda from American Horror Story), for a new bone-chilling and super campy tale. It takes place in the Kappa House sorority, the most sought-after sorority for pledges. It's ruled by the pink and pristine iron fist of Chanel Oberlin (Roberts, of course) — and things are turned upside down when the dean mandates that greek life is open to all pledges, not just the elite of the elite. That's when Kappa is literally dying for new pledges. As a group of new, arguably unpolished girls vie for spots in the house, the campus is rocked by a string of serial murders perpetrated by a figure in a red devil mask. FOX promises to claim one victim one episode at a time, and we can't wait to see who'll be the first one to go.
There's a ton of reasons to be excited for Scream Queens, including the casting of Nick Jonas and horror movie icon Jamie Lee Curtis. This new footage is one of them.
Now, let's break down what we just saw.
1. Lea Michele Will Not Be Playing A Rachel Berry Clone
What's Lea Michele gonna do after Glee ? Play a prospective pledge with a neck brace on Scream Queens. Only the Lord knows how long she'll live on this show (and by Lord, I mean our Lord and savior, Ryan Murphy), but, while we have her, I think it's safe to say her character will be the opposite of Rachel Berry.
2. Jamie Lee Curtis as the Dean
Jamie Lee Curtis played appeared in six Halloween movies. (Well, five, but I count those scream-worthy Activia commercials as one.) Here, she returns to horror with a role as the dean who wants the Kappa sorority house to accept all kinds of pledges. Think she'll be one of the first to get shanked by the devil killer?
3. Emma Roberts Plays Another Big Ol' B
Emma Roberts taught us how to be mean and fabulous in American Horror Story: Coven, and now, the fact that she's returning to that kind of role is exciting. With a name like Chanel Oberlin, a role as the head of Kappa House, and a wardrobe like that, she's bound to serve up some harsh reality.
4. The Ryan Murphy Stingers (Plus Abigail Breslin)
You come for the horror and celebrities, but you keep watching Scream Queens for the incredible one-liners. Keep them coming, Murphy — and hopefully Abigail Breslin (yes, that's Little Miss Sunshine) gets some of them, too.
5. Ariana Grande
Actually, I lied. Jamie Lee Curtis probably won't be the first to die. If anyone will be the first few victims of the college campus killer, it's going to be Ariana Grande. This series is packed with celebrities, including Nick Jonas, who along with Grande are only appearing in a guest star capacity. You know what that means in horror movie speak, right?
6. Creative Kills
Remember that time when Chloë Sevigny was crippled and disfigured by that mad doctor in AHS: Asylum? What about when Frances Conroy scooped out those witches' eyeballs with a melon scooper in Coven? Knowing Ryan Murphy and his longtime partner in crime, Brad Falchuk, more creepy kills like this are on the way in Scream Queens.
Scream Queens premieres on FOX this September. Stay tuned for a specific release date.
Images: Fox/YouTube (7)