I'm just going to say it: Jennifer Lopez can do no wrong because she is a goddess, the end. And while watching the judges perform covers on the American Idol finale can feel a bit like a school assembly in the cafeteria, I never had a teacher like JLo. Miss Jennifer Lopez covered "Diamonds" by Rihanna in the final moments of the finale and while I'm excited for the winner, this performance might be my favorite thing that happened all night. Excuse me while I start the petition to have Lopez cover every pop song I love.
I was skeptical when she took the stage, though. I heard the iconic Rihanna tune starting up, saw Keith Urban doing some top notch dad swaying and started to worry. There's no way they can pull this off. Then JLo opened her mouth and started singing. I knew she had the right outfit (a mix of Jenny From The Block and Kim Kardashian at the Met Gala? I approve). I knew she had the stage presence (no explanation necessary). But could she really convince me and, as Randy Jackson said so many times to these Idol contestants, make it her own? Um, YUP. Let's just say I am buying my tickets for Lopez' Las Vegas shows as we speak.
Sure, the rest of the performance was cool: I always enjoy a Bruno Mars song and seeing JLo and Keith pal around while Harry Connick Jr. banged away at the piano was great. But there is absolutely nothing like this Rihanna cover. Can you say "collab?" You listening, RiRi?