Soon everyone will be able to program customizable sex toys because we are living in the damn future. The Daily Dot reports on two customizable sex toy kits, which both make creating your own sex toys sound so easy it makes me feel like a million year old Luddite dinosaur. But we finally have an answer on what to get the person who has everything.
This first kit is from Orgasmatronics and raised over twice its goal crowd funding on IndieGoGo and it's called, wait for it: The Master Beta Kit. Get it? Gotta love a good masturbation pun. The bits and pieces that come with it look a little intimidating, but according to their video it makes it easy to design and program your own toy and teaches you code and how to be more tech savvy while doing it. Could there be a better way? I may be a technophobe, but if there's anything that's going to persuade me to learn code it's probably this. If you want to learn more check out their video. And honestly, even if you don't want to learn more check out their video because there is a dildo that breathes fire. I kid you not:
In the same vein Crave, the genius minds behind the Vesper necklace-vibrator which I didn't know existed but now need in my life, has crowd-sourced their own customizable vibrators. Keeping with their sleek designs these vibrators, these look like how you would imagine James Bond as a vibrator.
Told you! And the top comes off so you can just plug it into the USB port of your computer for charging, which is so much handier than having to conspicuously stock up on AAA batteries at the grocery store. Although I'm not sure how my roommate is going to feel about me charging it on my laptop while we have a Netflix marathon...
These are just two options but it seems like sex toys are certainly moving in this direction. I think it's great. Some of my friends who were intimidated to get their first vibrator may feel more comfortable with these options they have more control over. And for the rest of us they just look like a lot of fun.