Say Goodbye To Your Chance At A Kim K Selfie
She might be a social media maven and certified queen of selfies, but if you were hoping to score a quick pic of yourself with Kim Kardashian on her new book tour, you're fresh out of luck. Kim Kardashian banned selfies during her book tour promoting Selfish, an "art" book that compiles some of her greatest selfies from the past decade. Clearly, this is a heavily ironic move on the part of a woman schilling a 400-page book strictly composed of photos of herself, but it's also a surprisingly practical one.
According to Yahoo, the ban was put in place by Kardashian's handlers to help minimize wait time for fans and keep those epically long lines for autographs moving. This makes sense considering her book signing at a New York Barnes & Noble the other day had people lined up around the block and waiting overnight just for the chance to spend a few brief seconds with the superstar and have her autograph their copy of Selfish.
While people were allowed to take selfies at that stop in the tour, in the future, that sadly won't be a possibility. But hey, it's not like there aren't a million other opportunities to snap a selfie with Kim if you're lucky enough to catch her out in regular life. After all, I think she's made it pretty clear by now that it's basically her all-time favorite activity.