22 Health & Fitness Gift Ideas For Under $50
They say good health is the greatest gift. But giving health-related gifts can be tricky. No one wants to intimate to a friend or loved one that they should get in better shape, lose weight or be more health-conscious. To make sure it doesn't seem like a hint, stick to gifts that relate to to the recipient's known (or shared) interests. If you've got an avid runner, yogi, cook, natural product nut, healthy foodie, etc. on your holiday shopping list, health and fitness gifts may be the ticket.
We've rounded up some holiday gift ideas tailored to specific pursuits — monogrammed yoga mats, runner-friendly gloves — as well as goods with wide appeal, like raw honey, spa gift cards and shared fitness activities. Here are 22 gift ideas to bring happy and healthy holiday cheer — for under $50.
Image: Unsplash
Touch-Screen Friendly Gloves
With these touchscreen-friendly gloves, runners and cyclers can use phones and mp3 players without freezing fingers. The gloves also have pockets and a reflective print.
e-Tip Running Glove, $30, Lucy
If your giftee has a favorite fitness studio, get them a gift certificate or a multi-class pass. You could also look on deal sites like Groupon, Living Social and Amazon Local for savings on fitness class passes in their area (all three offer gift-buying options for deals). Or, if you’re nearby, treat yourself and your friend or family member to a fitness activity you both enjoy, or something fun neither of you have tried, like aerial yoga or golf.
ClassPass subscription, price varies, ClassPass
Image: Unsplash
Snack Subscription
Boxtera is kind of like Birchbox for healthy food. For $35, you can send a gift box full of 20-22 servings of healthy, natural snacks. Makes an especially good gift for someone long-distance.
Snack Box, $35, Boxtera
Image: Boxtera/Facebook
SpaFinder Gift Card offers gift certificates to more than 20,000 spas, salons and wellness venues worldwide.
Spa Finder Gift Certificate, $25 and up, Spa Finder
Magazine Subscription
A gift that keeps giving all year long! Sign your giftee up for a subscription to a health or fitness magazine.
Natural Health One-Year Subscription, $20,
Cateye Fit Wireless Cycling Computer/Walking Pedometer
This cyclocomputer from Cateye can be clipped through a belt loop or snapped onto a bike to track things like distance, time, steps walked and calories burned.
Cateye Fit Wireless Cycling Computer/Walking Pedometer, $32, Amazon
Monogrammed Yoga Mat
If you have to buy for someone who can never get enough yoga swag, go for this preppy monogrammed mat that won’t get lost in the crowd.
Custom Yoga Mat, from $40, My Custom Yoga Mat
Cooking Class
For a gift you can share with your recipient, how about a cooking class? Even if neither of you are avid cooks, it can be a fun way to spend time together, learn something new and sample good food. Local Groupon and Living Social sites can be fertile ground for such activities, and there are often healthy options.
Image: Fotolia
SW Basics Toner
SW Basics toner is made from raw, organic apple cider vinegar, wild-harvested witch hazel and 100 percent vegan, all-natural ingredients. Gwyneth Paltrow is an avowed fan.
SW Basics Toner, $28, Amazon
Moleskine Wellness Journal
Tracking fitness goals is so much more pleasant with a customized Moleskine journal.
Your Favorite Cookbook
Share the recipes you love to make by giving a copy of one of your favorite cookbooks. This year, mine was Betty Goes Vegan by Dan and Annie Shannon, a collection of veganized versions of classic Betty Crocker Recipes.
Betty Goes Vegan, $13, Amazon
BPA-Free Food Storage
It might not be the most glamorous gift, but who couldn’t use some extra food storage containers in their kitchen? Especially around the holidays, and especially if mom is still using her tupperware from the 1970s.
'Green Beauty Recipes' Book
Green Beauty Recipes provides instructions for all-natural lotions, soap, toners, masks, moisturizers, hair treatments, sun protection and baby care products at home.
Green Beauty Recipes , $14, Amazon
Accupressure Mat
This tiny, spiked mat could help decrease stress levels and ease aches using acupressure.
Yantra Mat $49, Yantra Way
Mini Blender
For juice and smoothies on the go: A one-button, single-serving blender with a detachable (and dishwasher-safe, BPA-free) plastic travel bottle.
Oster 250-watt Blender, $20, Amazon
Sunlight Desk Lamp
This sunlight-mimicking lamp can help stop seasonal blues.
Sunlight Desk Lamp, $40, Amazon
Foot Spa
For pedicure devotees or anyone who needs a little pampering, a spa-style foot bath with bubbles, a waterfall and a pumice stone attachment.
Eau Good Water Bottle With Charcoal Filter
This cork-topped, BPA-free bottle uses active charcoal as a natural filter.
Manuka Honey
A spoonful of manuka honey can help boost winter-weary immune systems and ward off colds and coughs.
Digital Food Scale
This lightweight, bamboo digital food scale has a touchscreen operating system and can convert between pounds and grams.
Nike Lightweight Running Waist Pack
A bright, nylon waist pack with reflective details for stashing keys, phones and money and keeping safe while running.