
Paula Deen Apologizes, But Here Are 7 Other Mistakes She's Made

C'mon, this from the woman who covers everything in butter, cheese, and cream. After the TV personality released a video asking fans and family to forgive her "for the mistakes I've made," we decided to run down exactly what those mistakes were. And, Paula, seems you have plenty to atone for, starting with that horribly edited video.

by Dale Neuringer

As If The Only Bad Thing Paula's Done Is Use Racist Slurs

C'mon, this from the woman who covers everything in butter, cheese, and cream. After the TV personality released a video asking fans and family to forgive her "for the mistakes I've made," we decided to run down exactly what those mistakes were. And, Paula, seems you have plenty to atone for, starting with that horribly edited video.

Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

That Whole Racism Thing

Paula was casual about her usage of the N-word and then, when asked to apologize, pretended she didn't know what might offend other people. After all, she's from the South, y'all!

Astrid Stawiarz/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Throwing a Plantation/Slavery-Themed Wedding

Openly admitting that you want a team of black servers dressed like slaves serving rich white people their food is just a little passé. Only a bit though. Next time, Paula, you're better off just settling for an under-the-sea theme.

The Lady's Brunch Burger

The whole Dunkin Donuts breakfast sandwich was bad enough, but this burger makes my heart hurt just looking it. It's a burger with bacon and egg on top... on two glazed donuts. Because there wasn't enough cholesterol in the burger-egg-bacon combo. Additionally, am I the only one who thought Ladies Brunch was more salads and mimosas than loaded down death-burgers?

Forgetting That Butter Can Lead to Diabetes

Paula, anyone could have told you that a lifetime of Fried Macaroni would inevitably lead to heart failure or diabetes. A chef is not a chef if they can't eat their own creations, and babe, eating yours will send you straight to the grave. Apologize to yourself on this one.

Marketing Obesity to Children

Deen's cookbook The Lunch Box Set was aimed at children, and as Anthony Bourdain and Barbara Walters pointed out, her suggestions for breakfast, lunch, and dinner were nothing short of disease-inducing. Featured were healthy options like Bacon-Cheddar Meatloaf and Cheeseburger Casserole. Is this what you'd want to feed your children? Only if you actually wanted them to die.

Sneakily Endorsing An Insulin Brand

It's funny how Deen's diabetes only comes up when its most convenient. It certainly hasn't stopped her from advertising recipes every week that would send most of us nose-diving into obesity, and that's because she's actually a spokesperson for a Danish pharmaceutical company whose man product is — shocker here — insulin. Wow.