It's been a big month for gender. Much, much gender is happening. Bruce Jenner revealed that he is "for all intents and purposes...a woman." While some family members struggled with Jenner's announcement, he received a huge amount of support overall from this family and the celebrity community. His announcement was a huge step for the transgender community, but also was a much needed education session for the country. For example, Bruce's in-depth discussion of gender versus sexuality was equally important for any member of the LGBTQ community and the rest of the world. The conversation surrounding sexuality, gender and race is on going—there's a sexually enlightening R&B video for crying out loud—and it's a conversation that's often fueled by the NOH8 community.
NOH8 helps educate the public about literally every kind of love. It features celebrities against hate and curates channels inspiring couples of all races and genders to share their love in a safe environment. You can find their NOH8 blog for equality, or follow NOH8 on Instagram. NOH8's latest spin-off is an Instagram focused on colorless, genderless love. It's @interracialgenderlesslove and it shows exactly that. The account is solely focused on empowering couples by posting pictures of interracial love between two people of any gender.
Check out some of their featured photos:
Not sure if their matching pink and blues are intentional, but I love it.
This is the most perfect wedding photo in existence. I don't even know if it is a wedding photo, but I vote yes.
Bad. A$$.
This woman's love is colorless, as long as she gets to love a superhero, which is fair.
This couple's wedding photo game is so strong. Anyone that can pull off a duck face in a white gown is a hero in my books.
The only thing that could make this #colorblind #genderless photo better is a fluffy pup. CHECK.
And finally, this photo is the icing on the cake of this Instagram account:
Round of applause for this woman please.
Through heavily stalking this Instagram account, I was led to a few more awesomely LGBTQ Instagrams. Some of the InterracialGenderlessLove photos have been pulled from LGBTQ wedding photographers, influencers, and more. Personally, the wedding accounts are my favorite by far. Not only do the wedding accounts say "love is love is love" loud and clear, but the weddings simply couldn't be more stunning. You know what's better than a wedding with one beautiful wedding dress? A wedding with two beautiful wedding dresses. It doubles the best part. OK, I guess love and commitment and family are the "best" parts of a wedding, but also, the outfits. Not sorry for those priorities.
My favorite wedding account, TaraBethPhotography has some great wedding shots:
She also makes a plug for MRSter.com which she calls, "a resource for planning the modern union for both same-sex and straight couples."
She features an image from the #PromoteLove movement.
Which is better, the fact that they're wearing bow ties, or how they're framed by the Subway station? It's really a toss up.
Tara Beth is developing a whole new #LGBTQ lifestyle genre with this bracelets photo and I'm really feelin' it.
Images: TaraBethPhotography/Instagram; InterracialGenderlessLove/Instagram