Watch The New 'Ted 2' Red Band Trailer

Everyone's favorite fouled-mouth teddy bear is back, and this time around his words are even filthier. The new red band trailer for Ted 2 hit the internet on Monday and it's as NSFW as it is funny. The new film, which reunites Mark Wahlberg's Johnny with his "thunder buddy" teddy bear Ted, now has Ted facing a very serious legal problem: Ted can't have a baby with his new wife Tammy until courts recognize Ted as a person and not a pile of fluff. The concept of what defines life might be thought-provoking in other films, but in Ted 2, it's nothing more than a good time for the bear and his not-so-fuzzy friend, and the red band trailer proves just how far the new film is willing to push the envelope.
The new film won't arrive until June 26, almost exactly three years from when the first film was released. That leaves ample time to catch up on the first film to see how all of the shenanigans first started, and plenty of time to laugh out loud over the new trailer. Here are some of the red band trailer's craziest moments to prep you for the upcoming film:
Ted And Johnny Break Into Tom Brady's House...
But where is Gisele?
Because They Want To Steal, Umm, "Stuff"
Like... baby-making stuff. Figure the rest out on your own.
"And That's At Rest!"
Poor, poor Tom Brady.
Tom Brady Chucks Ted Out The Window
"Holy shit, a perfect spiral!"
Johnny Donates His Sperm
"Thunder buddies for life, right?"
Ted's New Lawyer (Amanda Seyfried!) Rips A Bong
She gets migraines... and has instantly won over Ted and Johnny.
Ted And Tammy Show Their Love
Aww, true love between a teddy bear and a human.
Johnny's Porn Proclivities Are Revealed
Mainly, that he watches a lot of it.
Watch the full NSFW trailer below.
Images: Universal Pictures/YouTube