Come on, we all knew that Hillary Clinton would be a hot topic during the White House Correspondents' Dinner. I mean, most of us couldn't even think about a semi-political event without letting our thoughts drift over the Hillary's campaign. Naturally, WHCD host Cecily Strong had jokes about Hillary Clinton, and one that was so true it hurt: She made the press solemnly swear that "I solemnly swear to not talk about Hillary's appearance because that is not journalism." I mean, deal, Cecily. DEAL. But on a lighter level, my absolutely favorite Hillary joke of the night has to be President Obama's Anger Translator Luther: When it came time for a quick Clinton mention, Luther could not contain himself, screaming "Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!" I mean, me too, Lu. Me too. I'd be lying if I said I haven't had that thought about a thousand times since Clinton announced that she was running.
Aside from the treat of seeing one of my favorite Key & Peele show up during Nerd Prom, I just had to give a little shoutout to this prewritten "outburst" because it so closely resembles what I'm sure is running through many of our heads every time we get an email from the Clinton campaign.
Plus, it gave me an excuse to hop on Photoshop and do this:
Win, win, win, if you ask me.
Image: Courtesy of HBO; Getty Images