Obama Was "Angrier" Than Luther At The WHCD

President Obama proved that he's definitely feeling more "loose" and ready to speak his mind with his 2015 White House Correspondents' Dinner speech on Saturday night when he made a major pop culture reference about himself. At the end of his killer speech which was already extremely biting and funny, Obama brought up to the stage Keegan Michael Key from Comedy Central's Key & Peele to play Luther, President Obama's anger translator. And the bit was incredible, of course.
I'm totally serious, you guys. This was some grade A material POTUS threw at viewers and guests of the White House Correspondents' Dinner. After POTUS made quite a few jokes about CNN and MCNBC, Ted Cruz, having his very own Bucket List — or at least something that rhymes with "bucket" that can't exactly be written here — and how whoever doesn't become the RNC's next candidate for President will end up becoming the Bachelor next season, he told the room that he was ready to take things to a serious level as he usually does during his White House Correspondents Dinner speeches in the past. But instead, POTUS brought up Luther to explain his true feelings about important matters. However, POTUS had no trouble expressing his emotions which made Luther hilariously obsolete.
Luther began his time onstage saying things POTUS just couldn't say as our Commander in Chief, things about Hillary Clinton's Presidential campaign by comparing her to a now iconic pop culture character Daenerys Targaryen — "Khaleesi is coming to Westeros!" — or about Fox News "scaring old white people." There was also the moment where Luther echoed us all by chastising 24 Hour news networks during the Ebola crisis: "For two weeks, I thought we were a week away from The Walking Dead!" But as soon as President Obama started talking about climate change and global warming, it seemed having an anger translator was no longer necessary. In fact, after a moment where POTUS lost his cool (clearly as part of the joke), Luther stated, "With all respect ,sir, you don't need an anger translator, you need counseling." He ended his time onstage by going up to FLOTUS and giving her this opinion.
I have got to say President Obama really outdid himself this time.
Images: Ian White/Comedy Central