Of all the food trends that people get obsessed over — cronuts, cruciferous vegetables, bacon chocolate bars and coconut milk everything — sushi is by far one of my favorites. Learning how to make your own sushi is a complete nightmare, but it doesn't stop us from wanting more. And i'm not the only one who goes crazy for it. Some people are so obsessed with sushi that they get sushi nail art or find sushi that smiles at you. We obsessively find the best sushi in town, the most affordable sushi in town and then compare and contrast with a full cost benefit analysis. But wouldn't life be so much more affordable if we could, well, just make the sushi at home? Enter: Susehzi, the sushi making gun.
Yes, you read that correctly: There's a sushi making gun. And while in theory, it's awesome and ridiculously fun, in practice, it seems a little counterproductive. The process goes as follows: You spread rice on both sides of a tube, put filling on both sides atop the rice, close the tube and shoot the sushi out. It's like a cross between birthing sushi and funneling sushi, and I'm not mad about any of it.
As someone who comes from a sushi-obsessed family and took a liking to the word "sashimi" at a young age, I'm open to the idea. Any way to make delicious sushi more cost effective, and eat it in the comforts of my own apartment sounds like something you can sign me up for. If I had it my way, I might rename it so I didn't have to suffer the humiliation and incurable giggles that come with saying "Sushezi," but still. I like it.
Here's how the Sushezi works:
Here's my biggest concern: They say no mess. But I am not remotely mess proof and with this method, I'm seeing far too many ways that I could make a huge mess in my kitchen.
Even with the potential to get rice all over my floor, it looks pretty appealing. But it takes them about 4 minutes to use the gun. And it takes the pros about a minute to roll sushi by hand:
While it might seem like a stretch, some of the best chefs in the world might be able to benefit from Sushezi.
World famous chef Gordon Ramsey was determined to learn to make sushi with the best. He ventured to Aaya, a fancy sushi restaurant in the West End where process is everything. It ending up being slightly disastrous. Maybe he needs a Sushezi?
And then there's the champions, the sushi pros, the masters of raw fish, who would never need a Sushezi because they're faster than the best sushi rollers and the likes of the Sushezi:
Wow. You can get really caught up watching sushi making videos on Youtube, let me tell you. We can't forget about this sushi making pro. His brings the speed to a certain level of artistry (and he's ~single~).
If you're inspired to become the next great Sushi chef with a little help from Sushezi, here's the info you need: Sushezi is brought to you by Hydraflow, a New Zealand-based company. You can buy it directly from their website or at Strapya World.
Images: YouTube, Hydraflow