'Girl Meets World' Made An Amazing Cast Decision

Great news for Boy Meets World fans: One of the popular '90s series' most well-loved characters — and arguably one of the most lovable on-screen teachers of all time — is coming back to TV. Entertainment Weekly reports that Mr. Feeny will appear on Girl Meets World, the Disney Channel spinoff of the '90s classic. William Daniels, who played beloved high school teacher on the original series, will reportedly join fellow BMW fan favorite Will Friedle (who portrayed Eric Matthews) in Season 2 of Girl Meets World , which kicks off with the premiere episode “Girl Meets Gravity” on May 11.
According to EW, "the episode will see Riley and Maya with a new teacher whose identity has yet to be revealed." EW also reports, "Daniels will return on May 14 for Girl Meets Pluto[...] In the nostalgia-tinged episode, Cory, Topanga, and Shawn take Riley and Maya to Philadelphia to dig up a time capsule they buried 15 years ago."
This is amazing news, of course. Daniels' Mr. Feeny is known as a shining example of a great teacher, mentor, and friend to BMW's young characters. He's forever giving his students much-needed advice, and sharing his wisdom through inspiring pep talks. Daniels' portrayal of Mr. Feeny makes him easy to love — and as a stern-but-inspiring teacher, Mr. Feely flawlessly guided his students through the hormonal roller coaster of emotions that is called being a teenager. Here's why Mr. Feeny will always be the coolest teacher of all time:
He's never afraid to speak the truth:
Mr. Feeny looks like he might need a hand picking up all that knowledge he just dropped.
He knows how to cut loose:
You wish your teacher could strut like that.
He's an effective leader:
Getting pelted with Nerf pellets every now and then is good for kids — it builds character.
He knows how to command attention:
There will be no churlish tomfoolery under Feeny's watch.
His advice was always on point:
Deal with it, youngling.
So. Much. Sass.
Stealing that crew neck sweater and plaid button up look.
Sometimes he'd get existential:
But the youth never understood his complex insight.
He's not a pushover:
He genuinely cared about his students:
Feeny is bae.
Images: ABC (1); Gnarly 90s/Tumblr (1); welcomeitsjustmymind/Tumblr (1); psychedelicshithole/Tumblr (1); kidsinthe90s/Tumblr (1); xdivinechaos/Tumblr (1); Giphy (4)