The Kardashians have been dominating our entertainment news cycle since 2007, but on Friday, April 24, the world will finally get to hear from Bruce Jenner, in an exclusive Diane Sawyer interview. Officially titled Bruce Jenner — The Interview, this ABC special will offer Jenner the chance to open up about some very important issues regarding his private life. And while the network has remained rather cryptic about the specific topics that will be covered, there's been a great deal of speculation that the interview will serve as a chance for Jenner to announce that he is coming out as transgender, which has yet to be confirmed.
But regardless of whether or not this former Olympian makes such an announcement, this interview will still prove to be extremely important for everyone to watch nonetheless. In fact, the network has even plans to make the special available via its Watch ABC app and online streaming service at ABC Live. So just in case you don't have an actual television at your disposal that night, you can (and should) still tune in and see what Jenner has to say. Because even if you're not a fan of reality TV or any member of the Kardashian family, let me assure you that this interview is still well worth your time. And here's why…
Something Big Will Be Announced
Whether it's concerning Jenner's alleged transition or not, expect to learn some very private details about Jenner's life. "My whole life has been getting me ready for this," Jenner was quoted as saying in one of the latest promos. Of course, it's impossible to know what exactly "this" is at this point in time, but rest assured that the interview will prove to be well worth our undivided attention when Jenner makes his intentions clear.
We'll Gain Further Insight Into Jenner's Family
Details surrounding the interview remain scarce, but if there's one common denominator throughout all of these promos: The interview will focus on the topic of his family and how important they are in Jenner's life. "I can’t let myself hurt them," Jenner states in the clip. Hurt them from what, though? Clearly, there are a few things Jenner hopes to get off his chest, which could offer further insight regarding what's been going on with America's most famous family behind closed doors.
Divorce Will Be Touched Upon
As many of you already know, Bruce and Kris Jenner settled their divorce back in December 2014, which will undoubtedly become a major topic of discussion throughout the two-hour special. Divorce is a very common occurrence in the United States, unfortunately. So if you or someone you know is currently coping with a similar situation, tuning in to see how Jenner weighs in on such matters could prove to be surprisingly helpful. Because regardless of whether you're in the public eye or not, separating from a loved one is never easy.
If The Interview Is About Jenner's Rumored Transition, It's A Really Big Deal
If Jenner does, in fact, reveal the decision to begin transitioning, the interview will undoubtedly create an opportunity to further open the flow of discussion regarding a very important topic. Despite our steps toward progress, there is still a great deal of ignorant chatter around transgender issues, which has been further proven in light of all the ridicule Jenner has been forced to endure from comedians and the internet alike throughout these past few months. Rumors about his gender have been caked in tabloid criticism and in complete and total misunderstanding of what it means to be transgender.
It just goes to show how ill informed much of society still is when it comes to transgender issues. If Jenner does come out as transgender as many reports have claimed, the interview will be a great platform for educating Americans about what it means to be transgender.
Editors Note: Until/unless Jenner has personally confirmed the transgender rumors and the intention to begin presenting as a woman, Bustle will continue to refer to the track star as a man and father, using male pronouns. Jenner deserves the courtesy of being able to “tell his story his way” when ready, as step-daughter Kim said, and Bustle will only make those changes if/when Jenner confirms.
Image: screengrab/ABC