13 Prom Photo Poses We All Did With Our Friends

If you went to your high school prom (or like, any dance in general), then chances are you remember striking at least one of these classic prom photo poses with 12 of your closest friends in the front lawn of your parents’ house. You had just spent four hours getting ready, your hair was done up, and you were wearing the fanciest dress of your life — there was no way you were going to celebrate all that time and effort you put into looking SO FLY with a regular side-by-side snapshot. So you struck a Charlie’s Angels pose (a classic), twirled around with your date, and blew kisses to the camera, and even if some of these photos didn't come out quite like you expected, dang, girl, you looked amazing.
In the years since prom, we’ve all come to realize that having the best dress or the perfect date, or any date, doesn't really matter in the end, because prom is all about the memories you build, and the photos that capture those memories best. Maybe your prom didn’t look exactly like what you saw in the high school rom-coms of your youth, but you certainly made some picture-perfect memories of your own. Here are 13 poses we've all done — or will do — on prom day.
1. The One With Our Cars
Having a car in high school was a pretty big deal, so you def took a shot with your hot ride on one of the biggest days of your high school career.
2. The One Where You're Just Like, SO Excited
Like, we can't believe we're going to prom, even though we just spent the last four hours getting ready. Oh. My. GOSH!
3. The One With The Fist Bump
The fist bump I understand. The fist bump says, "We're friends. We're cool. We fist bump." But the finger point always confuses me.
4. The One With The Piggyback Rides
Piggyback rides are fun, and usually make for great photos. You and your friends were all about this pose.
5. The One Where We Show Off Our Corsages
Now this is a photo you'll want to remember! Mainly because no one ever remembers what their corsage looked like, so it's nice to have a photo for reference.
6. The One Where We Show Off The Back Of Our Dresses
This is a prom photo must, because sometimes the back of the dress looks just as cute as the front, and we need to be able to see the whole picture.
7. The One Where We Make Them Pick Us Up
Because then you can say, "He really swept me off my feet that night," or something to that effect.
8. The One Where Your Date Spins You
Because every girl wants to feel like a princess on the night of her prom, duh.
9. The One Where We Pretend We're Charlie's Angels
But then there's always that one girl who looks like she's actually going to shoot someone.
10. The One Where We Blow A Kiss To The Camera
Except there are so many cameras, you actually don't know where to direct your kiss.
11. The One Where We Jump And Hope No One Breaks A Heel
Jumping photos are always cute, fun, and sort of candid. Just be sure to land safely when wearing heels, because nothing ruins a photo more than a wardrobe malfunction, or a sprained ankle.
12. The One With Just The Girls
Because let's be real, prom is all about who you spend it with, and who's more important than your BFFs?
13. The One With The Group Shot
Dates are overrated, and no one should ever have to be a third-wheel. Prom is much better spent in the company of good friends.
Images: Mike Wald/Flickr; Instagram (13)