We all know that Nutella is the best, right? It's just one of those things that fulls under the heading of “A Truth Universally Acknowledged” — and happily, BuzzFeed also clearly shares our deep and abiding love of the chocolate hazelnut spread: One of their latest videos offers up four easy Nutella hacks we all absolutely need to know. Awesome? Awesome. And also delicious, but that really goes without saying, doesn't it?
I realize we cover Nutella a lot here at Bustle — but perhaps that's to be expected, as it is clearly one of the greatest foods ever to have been invented. I don't know about you, but I find it a little hilarious that originally, the addition of hazelnuts was just meant to make limited supplies of cocoa go further. Who could have known that what started out as a practical move to work around World War II food rationing would turn out to be a beloved pantry staple for generations to come?
We've previously discussed a few higher-maintenance Nutella recipes that are definitely worth adding to your cooking arsenal — but in case you're running short on time, skills, pantry items, or all three, BuzzFeed's “Four Easy Nutella Hacks You Need To Make” video provides some easy, quick alternatives. Here are my two favorites (even though picking “favorites” from this video was like deciding which of your kids you love more); scroll down to watch the full video for all four:
1. Nutella Dip
Your ingredients: Cream cheese, heavy cream, powdered sugar, and Nutella.
Whip one cup of heavy cream until stiff peaks form. Meanwhile, in another bowl, mix together the cream cheese, three tablespoons of powdered sugar, and three-quarters of a cup of Nutella. Fold the whipped cream in:
And voila!
Everyone at your next party will love you if you feed them this bowl full of gorgeousness. I promise.
2. Four-Ingredient Nutella Cookies
Your ingredients: Eggs, sugar, flour, and Nutella. Did I mention that there are only four ingredients?
Combine two cups of flour, two-thirds of a cup of sugar, two eggs, and one cup of Nutella in a mixing bowl (note that you don't actually need a mixer to do this; a whisk and/or a wooden spoon and some elbow grease should do just fine):
Then scoop balls of dough onto a cookie sheet (I'd use parchment paper if I were you) and bake 'em at 350 degrees for 10 minutes. Guess what happens next?
Cookies. That's what happens. Heck yes.
For two more recipes, including how to make Nutella ice cream even if you don't own an ice cream maker, watch the full video below:
Images: esimpraim/Flickr; BuzzFeedVideo/YouTube (6)