The 'Veronica Mars' Movie: We Predict What the Characters Are Up to Now
When Veronica Mars was canceled in 2007, fans were heartbroken... but thanks to a little ($2 million dollar) Kickstarter campaign by Rob Thomas, we'll be able to see just what Veronica and her friends (and some of her enemies) have been up to since they graduated Neptune High 10 years earlier. The Veronica Mars movie began shooting this month in Los Angeles, and we're beyond excited to see our beloved detective once again. We predict what happened to Veronica and Co. since 2007. [Images: UPN]
The 'Veronica Mars' Movie... Where Are They Now?
When Veronica Mars was canceled in 2007, fans were heartbroken... but thanks to a little ($2 million dollar) Kickstarter campaign by Rob Thomas, we'll be able to see just what Veronica and her friends (and some of her enemies) have been up to since they graduated Neptune High 10 years earlier. The Veronica Mars movie began shooting this month in Los Angeles, and we're beyond excited to see our beloved detective once again. We predict what happened to Veronica and Co. since 2007. [Images: UPN]
Dick Casablancas (Ryan Hansen)
The last time we saw Logan's best friend and womanizing surfer dude, Dick (or "Rich-ard") was a frat bro at Hearst College dealing with his brother Cassidy's suicide. We predict that — after years of being a Hearst super senior — Dick married Madison Sinclair (the only girl dumb/desperate enough to re-date him) and started his own surfboard company. He also refuses to cut his hair.
Eli "Weevil" Navarro (Francis Capra)
Weevil was the former leader of the PCHers and a friend to Veronica. Weevil worked a job at Hearst College and attempted to stay out of trouble. (Not such an easy task.) We hope that, in the future, Weevil is out of the crime business for good, owns his own mechanics shop and has a good girl to go home to. (We can't help but tear up when he talks about how Lily Kane was a girl that he "could have loved"... your girl is out there, Eli.)
Cindy "Mac" Mackenzie (Tina Majorino)
Veronica's girl best friend and a serious computer wiz, we can only predict that Mac is running her very own social media site in Silicon Valley... and raking in billions. Hopefully she still has time for midnight movies with Veronica when she's in town, though.
Madison Sinclair (Amanda Noret)
What fate do we predict for the girl responsible for making Neptune High a living hell (and for breaking up Logan and Veronica in Season 3)? We predict Madison peaked in high school and is now Dick's bitter trophy wife. (We also hope that she got, like, really, really fat.)
Gia Goodman (Krysten Ritter)
We were surprised when Krysten Ritter decided to reprise her small role as Gia Goodman, the (now dead) mayor's daughter. Gia was an annoyingly bubbly girl — she tried very hard to befriend Veronica, despite Veronica's chilliness towards her — but we're thinking that, 10 years later, she might not be so cool with Veronica playing a part in the capture of her Dad. We predict that the family drama she faced in Season 2 will make Gia a much less bubbly version of herself with hostility towards her former friend Veronica.
Stosh "Piz" Piznarski (Chris Lowell)
Oh, Piz. You were sweet, adorable, and definitely would have been our No. 2 draft pick for Veronica's heart. (You know, if that were a thing.) We may have wanted you to fall off the face of the planet for a while when you kind of stood in the way of a Veronica/Logan reunion, but that doesn't mean we're not psyched to have you back. We predict that music lover and radio host Piz has had a successful career in the industry, where he hosts his own independent music show on a major station in New York. He would also be writing for Pitchfork magazine as the least pretentious member of their staff.
Wallace Fennel (Percy Daggs III)
Veronica's best bud — the one who labeled her a marshmallow, solidifying their friendship forever — has always wanted to be a mechanical engineer, so we wouldn't be surprised if he was starting out in the engineering world when the movie caught up with him. With his love of basketball, we could definitely see Wallace coaching in Neptune in his spare time. (You know, if mechanical engineers have any of that.) But mostly? We predict that him and Veronica are still best of friends. Or so we hope.
Keith Mars (Enrico Colantoni)
Veronica's dear old Dad took over for Sheriff Lamb when Lamb was shot and killed by a suspect. (We won't be missing him too much.) Though he ran in an election in Season 3, the final episode left it murky as to whether or not Keith won. We predict that Keith will still be running Neptune's sheriff's department and will continue to be putting criminals behind bars. We'd also love it if he got back together with Wallace's Mom... even if it makes Veronica and Wallace super uncomfortable.
Logan Echolls (Jason Dohring)
Logan WON'T be with Veronica in the film (creator Rob Thomas has said that Veronica will have a "new boyfriend" in the movie), which breaks our heart. So what has Logan been up to since he last saw Veronica? We're hoping that his loss of his one true love kicked him into gear and that he's working as a successful attorney. After all his legal troubles, you know that Logan knows a thing or two about the system. Most importantly, we hope he's still pining for a LoVe reunion.
Veronica Mars (Kristen Bell)
Rob Thomas created a potential Season 4 trailer for Veronica's life in the FBI — and we have no doubt that Veronica is sitting pretty in Quantico. Knowing Veronica, she's using her detective skills in her private and personal life. We hope that she's staying in touch with all of her old friends from the West Coast... and that Logan holds a special place in her heart, too. But, most importantly, we're hoping Veronica is looking to take on another off-duty case in the film — because what is Veronica without her passion for sleuthing?