Having regular sex isn't just amazing for your well-being and relationship— it can do wonders for your pay check. A recent study from Anglia Ruskin University of 7,500 Greek nationals found that people having sex 2 or 3 times per week earn on average 4.5 percent more than those who don't. Dr. Nick Drydakis told The Independent this confirms many theories linking satisfaction at home to performance at work, namely Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, saying: "The theory concludes that people need to love and be loved, sexually and non-sexually, by others. In the absence of these elements, people may become susceptible to loneliness, social anxiety and depression — all factors that can affect their working life."
This certainly rings true to most of us who have found that when our interpersonal relationships are fulfilling and satisfying we have a stronger foundation for other areas of our lives. When I'm having regular sex I am happier and more productive; when I'm not having sex I'm more distracted. I spend less time living my life and more time talking to that guy who's sometimes on my bus with no shoes but a lot of deep thoughts about the global warming and local businesses. It doesn't surprise me that if I'm having regular sex it's better for everyone in my life— employers included.
While I'd link to think that every tryst between the sheets leads to a boost in my income, what the study doesn't look at is whether this correlation means that sex leads to more pay or vice versa— that those who earn more money end up having more sex. While this was not considered, Drydakis confirms that studies linking lower wages to having less sex show that it can work both ways: having less sex causing lower earnings and lower earnings leading to having sex less frequently.
Another angle this study does not consider is that of asexuality. Recently there has been a rising awareness of asexuality, a sexual orientation that has often been ignored or misunderstood. Studies like this are predicated on the assumption that we all have the same sexual desires and need them to be fulfilled in the same way. When attempting to connect satisfaction in one's personal life to achievement in the professional sphere, however, it would be helpful to consider those who may not achieve personal satisfaction through sex.
But for those of us who do find sex a basic need, it's clear you should be making the time to prioritize it— your paycheck will thank you.
The full study will published in The International Journal of Manpower.
Images: Giphy (1)