12 DIY Wedding Photo Booth Ideas That Will Save You Money And Look Amazing
Everyone knows that one of the best things about going to a wedding is the wedding photo booth. Sure, there's also the free booze and the delicious food, the dancing, being able to wear a pretty dress and look fabulous... oh yeah, and of course, watching two people you love celebrate their awesome love, which is obviously the whole point. But still — the photo booth is up there.
There is something that's just so much more fun about photos when they're taken in quick succession with some added props and maybe a cool background. Unfortunately, photo booths are also expensive, as most rentals cost a few hundred dollars. Weddings are pricey enough, and you've got to cut costs where you can — so who says you can't create your own DIY photo booth? Uh, no one. In fact, making your own photo booth will probably result in even better pictures because it will be totally unique.
How do you get started? Well, read this post, for one thing! These 12 DIY wedding photo booth ideas are all relatively simple and really cool. Check 'em out, put your own spin on things, and get ready to take some amazing pictures!
Image: Julie Pasley Photography
Use A Couch, A Cute Quote, And Some Garland
Drag a couch against one of the cooler-looking walls in the room, and then add some decorations. A pretty DIY garland or two will spice up the wall a bit. Adding a cute quote like this one is also a nice backdrop. Vintage Revivals posted this, saying the couch in question was $35 from a thrift store! Inexpensive, different, and really cute.
Image and tutorial: Vintage Revivals
Use Fresh Flowers To Make A Beautiful Backdrop
Set aside some room for a photo booth area, and spend some time making these gorgeous floral garlands. Over on the blog Green Wedding Shoes, they used fresh flowers, but if you want, you can use fake ones for the same effect. Add a pretty couch like this one, and some other cute props like a table and vase.
Image and tutorial: Green Wedding Shoes
Paint Plywood And Make It Into A Tri-Fold
Amber at Averie Lane created this really cool tri-fold photo booth area with plywood and paint. She painted it black, then painted all different quotes on it with white paint. You can use quotes, or paint pictures, whatever you’d like. I personally love how you can write the names of the newlyweds to be in the background of every picture. Add some inexpensive props, and you’ve got a great DIY photo booth area.
Image and tutorial: Averie Lane
Make A Giant Oversized Frame
This oversized frame is relatively simple and really cute. It’s great if you don’t have room to set aside a whole area for the photo booth, because it can easily be carried around… but at the same time, it will work with a backdrop as well. This one was made by Etsy user 3QueensAndMe, and if you want to buy it, you can — or you can try creating your own using cardboard and paint.
Image: Etsy
Make A Paper Flower Backdrop
This beautiful DIY paper flower board was actually used as a pretty backdrop for an actual wedding ceremony, but it’s so pretty that it would work just as well for a photo booth backdrop. It’s like Kim and Kanye, only way more colorful and fun!
Image and tutorial: A Beautiful Mess
Use Wood And Flowers For A Simple Background
This was another DIY prop that was originally used as a backdrop for the actual ceremony, but I think it’s so pretty that it would be perfect for a photo booth. It’s simple and very versatile — you can take this idea and really do whatever you want with it, which is part of what makes it so great.
Image and tutorial: Love and Lavender
Use Sheer Curtains And Lights For Something Simple And Pretty
Sometimes you just need to keep it simple. This is so easy but so pretty. Hang lights behind sheer curtains for a very cool effect for your DIY photo booth. Add some cute props, and you’re ready for pictures!
Image and tutorial: Rooney Photography
Use Gold Foil For A Flashy Photo Booth
Set aside some wall room to create this easy backdrop. You can buy foil curtains in any color and add whatever you want to the wall. Buy or make some simple props, and you’re good to go.
Image and tutorial: A Beautiful Mess
Use Tissue Paper And Glitter For A Cool Backdrop
This is another version of a paper flower wall backdrop, but it’s a little bit different thanks to the addition of glitter. These flowers are easier to put together than they look. You can do whatever you want with the colors, and make however many flowers you want. Impress everyone and create some seriously awesome photos.
Image and tutorial: Wedding Chicks
Add Fun Props Like A Mini Chalkboard
A cool backdrop is important, but sometimes, it’s all about the props. If you’re not into making a wall or anything like that, just put out some fun props. One great idea is a mini chalkboard so that guests can write whatever they want. It’s unique, unexpected, and definitely fun.
Image and tutorial: A Beautiful Mess
Make Your Own Props
Don’t want to buy props? Simple — make your own! The blog Something Turquoise shows you exactly how to make props like these. Once you have them, guests won’t care about a backdrop. But if you do want one, hang up a glittery or colorful sheet.
Image and tutorial: Something Turquoise
Use Painted Doors And Lace As Your Background
If you’re doing a rustic outdoor wedding, this idea for a makeshift photo booth is really perfect. Paint two or even three old doors a pretty color, and add a lace cloth and/or some pretty garlands. The stools in front are a nice touch, and of course, a box of props is necessary.
Image and tutorial: Julie Pasley Photography