8 Things No One Realizes About Doggy Style

We all have our favorite positions, and the ones on top (har har!) may differ when surveying the sexes. Doggy style may not be the first position we try with a new partner — or even a not-new partner — but there's a lot to love about it. Generally, it's a position that guys are considered to be way more into than females, but it doesn't have to be that way. So how do you make doggy style better?
Whether you are turned on by being a bit dominated, letting yourself surrender, or just knowing that with doggy, your partner can hit all the right spots — and deep — it's absolutely worth giving this position a try.
For doggy, the angle of his thrusting is going to often dictate how good this feels for you, so give your partner a lot of encouragement along the way and let him know what feels right and what can be adjusted. And make sure to bring some cushioning, being on all fours can feel awkward after a while.
Want to kick it up even another notch? Bring a vibrator in for some additional fun and slip it down there — it'll stimulate both of you while you're going at it!
1. You Can Really Go Deeper
If the person being penetrated has a vagina, this angle can actually move how the cervix sits in relation to the vagina, allowing the penetrator to go underneath it for a deeper penetration than in most other positions, says Shanna Katz, M.Ed, ACS. If the receiver is getting it anally, it can straighten out the anal canal for a similarly deeper penetration.
2. You'll Want Cushioning
Doggy style can be a bit tough on your joints, says Katz. Consider putting pillows under either partner's knees, or even under the receiver's hips, so that they can still enjoy the angle while getting to relax a bit more while getting it on.
3. It's Not Submissive
Fact of the matter is that the position feels great for a lot of people because, physiologically, it can hit a lot of the right spots, says sexuality educator and performer Julian Wolf. You don't have to give up any control to enjoy doggy style from the bottom.
4. About Spanking ...
"Smacking dat ass" is not mandatory! Ask before you spank. If the question is answered with a responding and enthusiastic 'Yes,' then spank away!” says Wolf.
5. You Can Modify It
So often, doggy style is portrayed as the someone pounding away at their partner from behind, but it doesn’t have to be that way! "Back that ass up! Bounce, pop, swing, and roll your hips. Your partner will love it. Plus, all that movement churns your pelvic floor muscles, giving you added stimulation," says Katrina “Rainsong” Messenger. Or lower your body so that you’re laying on your stomach for a slow grind instead of a deep thrust.
6. It's Can Be Intimate
Doggy Style can be intimate. Messenger says that it’s a vulnerable position, and can imply a certain amount of surrender and trust. Your partner can kiss your back, neck, and shoulders, and whisper lovely things in your ear.
7. Yoga Will Make You Better At It
There’s a reason we do the Cat/Cow positions in yoga (and why someone always giggles through them), says Messenger. Being on your hands and knees allows your hips to open, and can release lower back tension. Add sexual pleasure to that … win-win!
8. You Aren't At Any Greater Risk For UTIs
Some believe you're more likely to contract a urinary tract infection if you do it doggy. That's simply not true. "Sex in general exposes a female-bodied person with a higher likelihood of UTI," says Dr. Laurie Bennett-Cook, Clinical Sexologist. UTIs occur when bacteria is exposed to the urethra. Women have much shorter urethras than men, making infections easier to contract. UTIs can be very painful and require being treated by antibiotics. Regardless of any positions practiced, pee afterwards to wash away any potential bacterial exposure.”
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Images: Tamara Álvarez/Flickr ; Giphy