19 Life Lessons We All Learned From Rory Gilmore

I lived with my mother for about two years when I was in my mid twenties. Going into it, I thought, "If Rory Gilmore can do it, so can I." However, life is nothing like television, so my mother and I didn't fall into piles of candy and pizza regularly on Friday nights — but, we did open up to each other, depend on each other, and share a daily need for multiple cups of coffee. Honestly, the life lessons I picked up from watching Rory Gilmore and Lorelai's relationship on Gilmore Girls taught me a thing or two about my own relationship with my mother. And Rory isn't just an inspiration for mother-daughter relationships — she also knows a lot about going after what she wants, growing from disappointment, and never ever having regrets about spending the night in. She's truly an inspiration to us all.
However, as Gilmore Girls fan will tell you, Rory made mistakes, as everyone does at least a few times when they're growing up. But really, all of that is what made Rory relatable — she made those mistakes and then grew from them. When the men in her life let her down (which, just like making mistakes, happens in life) she always found strength in herself and the inspirational, strong women around her. There's a lot fans can learn from Rory Gilmore. Take a look:
Stand Up For What You Believe In
Like an important theory about philosophy. Or, you know, pizza.
Know Your Personal Limits
Get those recommended eight hours.
Learn the Art of Subtlety
So, like, not this.
Call People Out When They Hurt You
Always Get the Facts Straight
She didn't hit a deer, she was hit by a deer.
There Are More Important Things in Life Than Looks
It's actually a good question, Rory.
We All Have to Sacrifice the Things We Love at Some Point
Except coffee. You never give up coffee.
Throw the Five-Year Plan Out the Window
Live in the now! Carpe diem! Or, if you're of the Drake generation, #YOLO!
Have a Sense of Decorum
On that note, respect the books.
Learn to Express Yourself Using Non-Verbal Communication
Says it all.
Be Clear When it Comes to Your Feelings
Even if it hurts.
Know When to Admit That You Were Wrong, and Make Up For It
Always own up to your mistakes.
Negotiation Is a Valuable Tool
Whether it be for careers, relationships, or trees that are the perfect spot to get some much-needed studying done.
Listen to Your Mother
This situation almost never works out.
Make the Most of Important Moments
You're never going to get a chance like this one again, so live it to the fullest!
Don't Let Anyone Get Away With Harrassment
Always report!
Be There When it Matters, Even if You're Mad
Sometimes you have to put your feelings aside to do the right thing.
Follow Your Heart and Fight for Yourself, No Matter How Hard it May Be
Lastly, You're Never Too Old, Too Cool, or Too Independent to Need Your Mom
Especially if you're lucky enough to have a mom who wants to be there for you.
Images: Warner Bros. Television; searching-for-hogwarts/ Tumblr; Giphy; gilmoregirlsgifs /Tumblr; toilntrouble/ Tumblr; Giphy; amargedom; marleens-diary /Tumblr; countless-lovers-under-cover /Tumblr; 09wasagoodyear /Tumblr; youmissedthewholeshow/Tumblr; shinyruttinreavers/Tumblr