So what do you get when you put together some delicious Ben and Jerry's ice cream with burritos, also known as the single most perfect food known to mankind? The Ben and Jerry's ice cream burrito, of course. And the best part is that it's arriving just in time for 4/20, when stoners and Boston Maraton runners alike will want nothing more than to devour this perfect concoction of creamy, crunchy goodness.
On Monday, April 20, the iconic Vermont-based ice cream company will release the BRRR-ito, which contains two scoops of ice cream (any flavors you want, obviously), chocolate cookie crumble, and fudge drizzle, all wrapped up in a burrito-shaped cone. Ben and Jerry's official recommendation is to fill the BRRR-ito with one scoop of Chocolate Fudge Brownie and one scoop of Cookie Dough to make your treat extra sweet; the cone-wraps are apparently slightly less sweet (and slightly more chewy) than a classic waffle cone, so obviously you've got to make up for the loss somewhere. They will only be available at Ben and Jerry's Scoop Shops, unfortunately, so don't check your grocery store's freezer for them just yet — but hey, maybe one day they might make it there. What's better than a Choco-Taco? A BRRR-ito, of course.
Pumped? Well, you should be. In order to tide you over until the big day, check out some posts on the official Ben and Jerry's Instagram account — starting, of course, with the mouth-watering ice-cream burrito itself. The following is a sweet, sugary, and delightful journey not for the faint of heart. Tread with caution.
1. The ice cream burrito
2. The beer-and-ice-cream pairing sent from Heaven
3. B&J's latest Jimmy Fallon themed flavor with caramel, cookie dough, and peanut butter
4. This inspiration post for what to do on a Saturday night is everything
5. This perfect image giving us hope that the long, long winter and cold spring might turn into a hot summer soon
Images: Ben and Jerry's; benandjerrys/Instagram (5)