This S Club 7 Video Is The Most '90s Of All

The Spice Girls may have been THE British pop group of the '90s — but as much as I adored all of their girl-powered flavoring, the band that makes me the most nostalgic for the pop sound of yore is by far S Club 7. The (very large) pop group boasted some of my favorite songs of the decade — with music videos like "You're My Number One," S Club 7 basically saved the '90s. Where would I be during my harsh elementary school years without their music pulling me through another stressful day of recess and coloring? What would I have done on the weekends if not marathon episode after episode of their television series and dream of one day belonging to a so-very-large pop group of my own? I don't know, and I don't want to find out.
Today, the S Club 7 gang is getting back together for a reunion tour in the UK, and that's pretty much amazing news for any kid who grew up in the '90s. But, even though they're still performing, I'll never forget the epicness that was their original work — specifically their debut album from 1999, S Club. The group's first album boasted a ton of songs that would become stuck in your head forever, as well as some of the most '90s music videos to ever be produced.
One of my absolute favorite videos from that time? S Club 7's video for "You're My Number One," which might take the cake for most '90s pop video ever. Check out these amazing moments from the video that prove it:
The Makeup Game
The pink eyeshadow is a lot, no?
The Pattern Situation
Bradley is wearing snakeskin AND orange pants.
The Windmill Action
This ain't no "Cha Cha Slide," kids.
The Even MORE Windmill Action
Slightly dizzy now.
This Beautifully Synchronized Shimmy
So in sync.
The "Na, Na, Na, Na, Na" Part
"Na" is the only word, and yet it really speaks to me, you know?
The Monkey
The best dance move to bust out at parties.
The Completely Random Bubble Party
Where did the bubbles even come from? NO clue, but who cares?
Whatever this dance move is
Because they CAN.
When Even More Dancers Showed Up
Note to S Club: When you're seven members deep, you do NOT need to hire background dancers.
When The Confetti Happened
The best way to end an already epic video.
Watch the full video with all of these amazing moments and more below.
Images: Emil D/YouTube (12)