This App Helps You Get Dressed 'Clueless' Style

Don't lie: You and I both are obsessed with Cher's closet from the movie Clueless. While we can't necessarily have spinning racks of designer clothes, we can have a digital wardrobe inventory by ClosetSpace, just like Cher. The new app is a mobile-based version of ClosetSpace's website that doesn't just help you keep track of what you have or make outfits with your very own clothes, but actually suggests outfits based on the items you have and the current weather where you are. Uh, this sounds practical and also like the kind of fun that makes you forget that you just spent two hours shopping your own closet.
The free app gives you a virtual closet with quick-view photos of the items that you've snapped or that you search for through their "catalogue" of pieces. The app allows you to create and save outfits and even assign them to certain days. You know how you're supposed to lay out your outfits the night before to make your morning routine more streamlined? This makes that easier to do, even if you're already lying in bed and ready to pass out for the night. It also helps you get more wear out of those items that end up crammed in the back of your closet or under your bed in your shoe box apartment — or if your closet is a little, uh messy, like mine.
While it would definitely take a while to catalog each item of mine to get started, it might also be the perfect little nudge to actually get things organized. After the initial time investment, it's super easy to add clothes as you buy them. It took me under a minute to add a pair of boots! Hey, I'm a fan of anything that helps me sleep that extra five minutes in the morning.
Images: Fotolia; Author's Own