See Michael B. Jordan & Sly Stallone In 'Creed'

As a native Philadelphian I am most often asked if it is in fact Always Sunny, if it was where I was, "Born and raised," and if I have ever run up the Rocky stairs (those being the famous steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art immortalized in the first Rocky film). The answers are: no, no, and yes. Rocky is as synonymous with Philadelphia as the American Revolution and cheesesteaks. So needless to say when I heard the news that the Rocky franchise was making yet another installment, Creed starring Michael B. Jordan, I couldn't help but raise my fists into the air and shout, "Yo!" directly into the Liberty Bell. The original Rocky himself, Sylvester Stallone just posted a photo from the set of Creed where he's training Jordan in the art of punching really hard. The results are stud-tastic.
Jordan stars as Adonis Creed, the grandson of Rocky Balboa's biggest opponent and close friend Apollo Creed. In the film, Adonis Creed tracks down Balboa in Philadelphia to get to know more about his grandfather Apollo and to become a fighter in his own right. This time around, Rocky will step out of the ring and have a protege continue his legacy.
Here's the photo of the fellas in action:
And Here's What They're Actually Thinking:
Michael B. Jordan: I grab the wheel at ten and two and then what?
Sylvester Stallone: Wave your left arm in the ay-er like you just don't cay-urrrr.
Michael B. Jordan: I feel like I'm training for Magic Mike here.
Sylvester Stallone: This is the ceiling set by Matthew McConaughey's muscle definition. I want you to break through it.
Michael B. Jordan: I miss Zac Efron.
Sylvester Stallone: I'M NOT CRYING.
Image: OfficialSlyStallone/Instagram