
Ashley Graham Was a Lingerie Model At What Age?!

by Alexa Tucker

Lane Bryant's #ImNoAngel campaign has been getting quite a bit of attention, and one star's relationship with the brand goes way back. The gorgeous Ashley Graham modeled lingerie at age 14 for Lane Bryant, and as much as I love the plus-size beauty and what she stands for, I'm not quite sure how I feel about this. Too young, or nah?

Graham shared with Yahoo! Style that her first campaign ever was lingerie (although it's not quite clear in the video if that first campaign was, in fact, for Lane Bryant.) "My mom came with me; it was in Mexico," she recounts. "My mom had to sign a petition that said they would airbrush my nipples out."

Now that's one thing I imagine most mothers of 14-year-olds girls don't ever expect to have to do.

I have some mixed feelings about this whole thing. Because 14 is young. Like, really young. In my case, way too young to be sexual in any capacity (I don't think I was even allowed to wear thongs yet.) However, maybe this early exposure to sensuality and openness helped shape Ashley to be the amazing, confident woman she is today.

I'm not one to judge, so if it worked for Ashley, then more power to her. That said, I'm not sure I'd want to be seeing a 14-year-old in lingerie. But maybe that's just me.