Are You Ready For MORE Adorable?

Tired out from the deluge of royal baby christening coverage? TOO BAD. There is more cute to experience! Specifically, four official royal portraits from the christening, which include baby George flailing around as the little blobby bundle of monarchical joy that he is.
Prince George turned three months old on Oct. 22, and surprise! He is still very much a baby. This means he doesn't do much as of yet, with the notable exception of being a blob of cheeks, chubby limbs, and presumably poop, although we have received no confirmation that the royal family has ever defecated.
The photos were taken by celebrity photographer Jason Bell, who for his part seems to have least attempted to make the baby blob look poised. And damn if that isn't the most magnificent christening gown we've ever seen on a three-month-old blob. And he's got the company of three other generations, too, who seem to have mastered poise much better than him. He's got some time, though. The kid already seems to know how to rock a lace dress, which has us looking forward to his future.
You can view the photos below, and — just because — you should listen to Lorde's "Royals" while you do it. Just for some extra swag: