Bad Boy Halloween Costume Ideas for Good Girls
The year I went as Steven Tyler for Halloween was the best Halloween ever. First of all, I got to wear a bunch of scarves and a psychedelic '70s button-down. Second of all, Steven Tyler and I basically have the same hair, except his is better. And perhaps most notably, I was the only person wearing actual clothes, because most of the other party-goers were dressed as Victoria's Secret models. So weirdly enough, I was the one who stood out.
If you can't stand to pull on another tight skirt, consider dressing up for Halloween as a dude this year — the grungier and more infamous the dude, the better, I say. Here are the mournful bad boys I've always had a soft spot for...
Kurt Cobain
Why I love him: Not only is Cobain the tragic poet laureate of Washington grunge, but he had amazing style. His hair-in-the-face, thrift-store-don't-care attitude is weirdly appealing, and he was king of the antiestablishment t-shirt.
Transform into Kurt with: Unwashed hair — get Cobain's slightly greasy texture by working a little pomade into your ends. A thrift store t-shirt that says something inappropriate paired with a huge, hideous cardigan. Ripped jeans. Converse or Doc Martens. Put your phone in your pocket and have it play the whole Nevermind album on repeat all night.
Your go-to line: "I'd rather be dead than cool."
Clint Eastwood as The Man With No Name
Why I love him: Because yesterday I was wearing a long, Southwestern-print sweater and a black hat and my boyfriend said I looked like Clint Eastwood. Also, he makes cowboy clothes look so good.
Transform into Clint with: A wide-brimmed hat. Skinny black jeans. A Southwestern-print poncho. A holster. Squinty, sunburnt eyes. An intriguing lack of personal history.
Your go-to line: "Every gun makes its own tune."
John Bender of 'The Breakfast Club'
Why I love him: Unstoppable attitude + a wounded heart + endless snark + fantastic grunge style + fingerless gloves.
Transform into Bender with: A long-sleeved white t-shirt under a short-sleeved plaid button-down. Fingerless gloves. Baggy jeans. Super slouchy black boots with buckles. A long trench coat. Cigarettes. Play air guitar whenever possible.
Your go-to line: "Do you think I'd speak for you? I don't even know your language."
Henry VIII
Why I love him: "Love" is a strong word for Henry. The dude beheaded two of his wives. But I am fascinated by him and his need for ever-younger wives and his gouty leg. And you gotta admit that the man knew how to wear jewelry.
Transform into Good King Hal with: Leggings, a jacket with huge shoulder-pads, a hat with a feather in it, lots of necklaces (including one with a cross on it, please), a red beard (good luck), and perhaps a fur draped over your broad, kingly shoulders. A gaggle of wives at your heel would be a great touch, but only if your friends are really obliging.
Your go-to quote: "You have sent me a Flanders mare!" (Yell this whenever you see something you don't like.)
Justin Bieber
Why I love him: His style is hilarious. And I kind of like his necklace collection.
Transform into the Biebs with: Saggy pants and serious kicks. A plain t-shirt, a gold chain, sunglasses, and a trucker hat. Add a bad attitude for good measure. Recruit some of your friends to scream and faint whenever they see you.
Your go-to quote: "I leave the hip thrusts to Michael Jackson."
Image: @justinbieber/Instagram
James Franco
Why I love him: PSYCH! I don't love him at all. If he writes another "book," I will switch careers.
Transform into Francenstein with: Haute hipster clothes, some sort of pretentious scarf, sunglasses, and a smug smile. Carry around multiple higher education degrees for good measure, or maybe a defaced copy of As I Lay Dying.
Your go-to line: "Why not be your own Scorsese?" (A gem from his latest book.)
Danny Zuko
Why I love him: Is this even a question? He ruled that high school for good reason. And the man looked just as good as Sandy when it came to wearing skintight black. Danny Zuko is the cutest mix of bad-boy swag and high school innocence ever, and his dance moves are really hot.
Transform into Danny with: A tight black muscle tee and tight black pants. Pompadoured hair, a pack of cigarettes, and a really sweet car.
Your go-to quote: "That's cool baby, you know how it is, rockin' and rollin' and what not."