'Mad Men' Season 6 Finale: Will One of These Theories Be Realized?

Season 6 of the hit AMC series has been riddled with mystery. Who is Bob Benson? What will happen to Megan? Why must creepy Glen return?! Going into Sunday's finale, fans are looking for answers — even if we know we might not get them. Still, read on to see 11 theories surrounding the season's final episode. One of them involves bears.
What Will Happen in the Season 6 Finale of 'Mad Men'?
Season 6 of the hit AMC series has been riddled with mystery. Who is Bob Benson? What will happen to Megan? Why must creepy Glen return?! Going into Sunday's finale, fans are looking for answers — even if we know we might not get them. Still, read on to see 11 theories surrounding the season's final episode. One of them involves bears.
Megan Draper Will Be Murdered
The most repeated theory of Season 6 surrounds Megan's fashion sense. More accurately, her choice of wearing the exact same t-shirt as Sharon Tate shortly before she died. Add that to the fact that Megan ate orange sherbet last season, and anyone who has ever seen The Godfather knows that's as bad a sign as a red(-starred) shirt. Still, it seems unlikely Megan would be killed off in a Charles Manson-inspired murder — creator Matt Weiner himself has said no characters will die this season.
Megan Draper Is Already Dead
But Weiner's reveal would still remain true if Megan was already dead. This theory arose following Don and Roger's drug-fueled L.A. party, during which Don hallucinated his wife. Since the ad man has the penchant of dreaming about dead people while under the influence of substances, many wondered if Megan never existed this season at all. After all, she did eat orange sherbet last season.
Don Draper is 'Rosemary's Baby'
Megan's t-shirt isn't the only connection to Sharon Tate. Throughout the season, Rosemary's Baby has been referenced several times — as a book, ad pitch, and movie, which was directed by Tate's husband, Roman Polanski. But, as Vulture discovered, Rosemary is more accurately linked to Don than Megan — Rosemary's husband is an actor, Rosemary's in a constant panic, and Rosemary dreams of floating in the ocean. (Remember that Hawaii pitch?) Does that mean Don is headed for much more horror than Megan?
Ted Will Be in a Plane Crash
Remember 'Mad Men's Season 6 poster? Not only have fans used the police cars in the illustration to push the Tate conspiracy forward, but they've also spotted something else alarming in the shot: A commercial airline. Sure, Ted flies his own plane — and has proven to be quite good in foul weather — but he might be unable to control the plane the next time around... because he won't be the one flying it. Fans have speculated that, following his wife's concerns, Ted will agree to hop on the seemingly safer passenger plane — but, unfortunately, it will be this one.
Don Will Leave Sterling Cooper & Partners
Season 6 opened with Don reading The Inferno. So, like Dante, will Don walk away from the devil? That depends on who the devil is. Megan? Sterling Cooper & Partners? Himself? After making a big move to merge with CGC earlier this season, it seems unlikely Don will take another leap — but Dante theorists who have noticed even more ties to the piece of literature (the presence of birds, the number on Sylvia's hotel room adding up to eight, the circle of hell for seducers) disagree.
Pete Will Commit Suicide
His wife left him, he never sees his kids... and he has that ever-present gun. Though Pete-death rumors have died down since Season 5, Mad Men's last suicide was a surprise. Why not make the next one ever more surprising, especially since Weiner insisted no one will die?
Chevy is Vietnam
Based on poor Ken Cosgrove's experiences, Chevy seems brutal. Long. Impossible. And violent. Slate theorizes that makes the car company Vietnam. After all, after a particularly hard week with the car company, Ken even looked like a veteran — hobble, eye patch, and all. Add to that the fact that Stan sported a look oddly similar to Christopher Walken's in The Deer Hunter, and Slate has a pretty convincing argument. This, of course, means Chevy will never be won.
This Is All Ken Cosgrove's Book
I mean, come on: The man can tap dance, survive GM... who's to say he can't create a reality around him using only his writing?
Pete Will Get Eaten By a Bear
The ridiculous theory jumpstarted by UPROXX is wishful thinking, yes... but you're thinking about it now, aren't you?
Bob Benson is Don
Or, rather, a man escaping his past, just like Don. But what's in that past? We learned last Sunday that it involves the Queen Elizabeth ship, and Bob's perfect Spanish. So while we learned everything we needed to know about Bob courtesy of Duck Phillips, we still learned nothing. Heck, maybe Bob's just a bear that will eat Pete. (Subtext not intended.)
Don Draper Will Die
Perhaps the Tate reference is meant for Don. And that's just the start of it — for six seasons, death has trailed Don, whether it exists in his hallucinations or in the opening credits, when a man (long believed to be Don) falls out of a tall building. Slate argues it could happen — especially with Weiner at the helm. "Icing the icon of your show seems like the sort of zagging — a rebellion against TV’s established order, if you will — that Weiner can’t resist," Seth Stevenson writes. Still, Weiner mentioned no one will die – but they still could fall.