Hillary Clinton 2016 is officially, for real, seriously a thing. Clinton kicked off her campaign on Sunday nearly three hours later than expected. Luckily, Twitter reactions to Hillary's Big Announcement kept the masses amused in the meantime. So now, we might actually see the first woman in United States history become president. Yeah, it's kind of a big deal. Like President Obama getting elected in 2008 BIG.
Now that Hillz has announced her much-anticipated 2016 presidential campaign, it's time to throw your support behind it. This means swag, and lots of it. But instead of waiting two to four weeks for a T-shirt to ship out, we rounded up the best Hillary Clinton 2016 stickers on the market already. Let's be real, we've been ready for Hillary well before she even announced and, apparently, so have sticker makers. As a bonus, we've even included some of our own Bustle/Hillary 2016 designs for you to print right now. For those of you who absolutely can't wait AT ALL, you're welcome. We'd suggest plastering these on your laptop, on your walls, or even pinning them up around town since they're that good.
Cheers to Hillary 2016 — and all the forthcoming swag we're all rocking!
We knew you were ready
Head over to zazzle.com, if you're ready.
Feeling Patriotic?
Guys, Etsy has you covered.
Classic Clinton
The best news about these stickers is their $3 price tag.
Clinton Impact
Your car probably needs these stickers.
And as promised, here are some Bustle designs you can print right now!
Images: Caroline Wurtzel/Bustle :)