Amanda Seyfried Is Now A Flight Attendant — Kinda
Being a flight attendant is a pretty rough job, if you think about it. People are usually complaining to you, and it can't be fun being away from home most of the time. Fortunately, though, Amanda Seyfried found a way to remedy that. On a recent American Airlines flight from New York to LA, Amanda Seyfried took over for the flight attendants. No, like, seriously. This is real. She got up and started doling out cookies to her fellow passengers like it was no big deal. As someone on the flight told Us Weekly,
Amanda just took over and served cookies for the flight attendants! She was super friendly, laughing and joking with the flight attendants for a while. Then she came out with a tray passing everyone the chocolate chip cookies. She was just like, "Would you like a cookie? Would you like a cookie?" to everyone.
And after a little research, I discovered that volunteer flight attending isn't Seyfried's only weird hobby. Is it true? Have we been wasting our time being worried about Shailene Woodley when, really, we should've been worried about Amanda Seyfried? Don't worry — her quirks aren't as serious as eating clay. Seyfried's weird, but endearingly so, just like handing out cookies on a plane.
She's a taxidermy enthusiast

Seyfried loves animals — so much, in fact, that she doesn't stop loving them even if they're dead. Apparently, she sees taxidermy as art, although I'd probably be pretty creeped out if I had a bunch of lifeless animals hanging around my house. As of her interview with Conan O'Brien in 2012, she already had quite the collection going, so I'm assuming in the past three years it's probably grown. And best of all? Seyfried names her stuffed friends:
I have a three-week-old, died of natural causes, miniature horse. I have a chick that I just got, her name is Linda. Well she’s not alive, but her name would have been Linda. And then I have an owl named Beatrix and I have a few butterflies.
She runs a Twitter account for her (live) dog
His name is Finn, and although he doesn't tweet often, his posts are usually high quality. He likes to comment on award shows, talk about Taylor Swift's cats, and occasionally share photos of himself during his various adventures.
She actually likes geography, apparently?
Oh, Amanda. You adorable, quirky little person. The only thing I hated more than geography was math.
She drinks before she goes on talk shows
Before you jump to any conclusions, not because she's a boozer — just because she's prone to stage fright, so a little liquid courage is usually in order. For the record, whiskey is her favorite.