8 Adorable Dogs Wearing Flower Crowns

While Coachella-goers gearing up for the weekend are excited about the music, food, and the desert heat, one thing's for sure: fashion is big priority. All eyes will be on you and your Coachella outfit choices. If you are still contemplating on the best fashion accessory to don, take some advice from these pooches from DogVacay (a dogsitter-finding service). These Coachella-bound pups are rocking the flower crown trend (made by the company BloomNation) like they started it, and it's the cutest thing we've seen, maybe ever.
If you haven't seen fashionable dogs before, look no further. And if you aren't a dog lover, these pups will definitely make you change your mind. You can call people crazy for dressing their dogs up, but it sure does make for a good Instagram moment, despite probably annoying your fur model.
Flower crowns are all the craze lately, and these dogs definitely know all about how to wear the trend. If a dog can look good in a flower crown, we know you can, too. Flower crowns are an easy DIY accessory that totally go with Coachella's vibe. Unfortunately, Coachella's pet policy doesn't allow dogs to accompany you to the festival — so you'll just have to leave your accessorized pooch at home.
Thanks to DogVacay, we can now visualize the flower crown trend on our favorite furry friends. And even though they're not going anywhere near Indio, here are 8 dogs who are so ready for festival season.
1. This Dog Whose Eyes Will Make You Melt
2. This Husky Who Repurposed The Flower Crown Trend
3. This Dog Who Can't Stop Smiling In Excitement For Coachella
4. This Dog Who Is Rocking A Tie-Dyed Shirt, Necklace and Flower Crown
5. This Little One Who Can't Wait To Jam Out To Milky Chance
6. This Dog Who Is Already Panting After A Pre-Coachella Dance Party
7. This Bulldog Who Can’t Wait For Steely Dan, Obviously
8. And This Dog Whose Face Totally Screams, "Hurry Up And Get Here, Coachella!"
Images: DogVacay (8)