New Instagram FIlters!

Today Instagram announced new editing tools, Color and Fade, in their latest app update. According to the Instagram blog, this update is available as part of the Adjust tool, the tool the allows you to rotate your pictures. These new tools are all about giving your pictures more of that subtle look that Instagram has hinted at in previous updates. With Color, you can choose from eight color options to change the look of your picture's highlights and shadows. According to Instagram, Fade allows you to "bring a quiet tone to your photos by softening colors." Very classy.
And in line with Instagram's recent updates. The company has been on a roll lately. Just toward the end of last year, they released five new filters that were more up to date with the styles of contemporary digital photography. With that update also came the helpful option to hide some of our not so favorite filters (Kelvin who?). After that, Instagram followed up with Layout, a separate app that lets you include multiple images in one picture. And let's not forget that they gave us the popular Hyperlapse earlier.
According to Karissa Bell at Mashable, this update also comes with the ability to subscribe to posts from specific people. With the new update, a click on the "..." button on a friend's profile will now give you the "Turn on Post Notifications" option. This will notify you every time that person uploads a new picture.
While this latest Instagram is available on Android today, iPhone users will have to wait a few more days for the update. Yes, this means I wasn't able to test the new editing features out with my latest selfie. This also means I haven't had a chance to try out the new notifications option. I wonder, will people be notified when you've subscribed to their updates? Asking for... myself. Let's be real, I'm asking for myself. We'll have an answer soon enough. Until then, happy 'graming.
Images: Instagram (5)