Baby Pictures are officially on a whole new level. They've gone deep. They've gone rogue. They've gone...underwater. The author of bestseller Underwater Puppies and Underwater Dogs, two of the only coffee table books anyone has ever actually opened, is back with his latest venture: Underwater Babies. If you thought the cuteness on the interwebs peaked with cats, then you thought wrong — photographer Seth Casteel took about 10,000 photos of 750 babies for this book, which sufficiently puts all cute animals to shame. Adorable underwater babies win at everything forever.
Don't let any degree of worry interrupt all of your enjoyment: The babies in the photos were not in any danger while underwater. The series was actually conceived to help raise awareness for accidental drowning, which is a leading cause of death for children ages 1-4 in the U.S. Here's the best part: The program Casteel set up actually helped the babies get accustomed to the water, helping them get started with honing the kind of instinctive self-rescue skills that would help them survive if they were ever in a life-threatening scenario. The babies were taught to hold their breath underwater (moment of silence to appreciate how adorable that must've been). They were also taught to kick their feet and turn to float on their backs after being submerged completely. I'm sorry, but can you even imagine what it would've been like to be on set for this impossibly sweet shoot? Utter perfection.
What strikes me most about these children is their personality, clearly expressed through costumes and their phenomenal facial expression. So I decided what they really need were theme songs.
So, here are 9 of Seth Casteel's underwater baby photos and their accompanying theme songs:
If I'm ever Taken in France, send him to my rescue. His anthem is definitely "Kryptonite."
I'm so fancy, yOu aLrEaDy KnOw.
Nope. Changed my mind. Please send her to my rescue instead. Why send a man to do a woman's job? Plus, that outfit. Staaahhhhp. You might recognize her anthem from Cadet Kelly: One Girl Revolution.
This kid is definitely the Joey Tribbiani of babies. "Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side." - This stud to every other 1-year-old he meets.
I think I just melted into the ground and then got evaporated into Heaven because that's the only way I'd ever have encountered this little girl names Emerson. Anthem: "Heaven Is A Place On Earth"
Fresh to death. I'd want her in my clique.
Not to overload on the Kanye, but if this kid doesn't scream "All Day," then what does?
This baby, bless his soul, has no chill. (It's okay, bud, me either.) His anthem: "Relax, Take It Easy."
Girl, I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In.
Images: Courtesy of Seth Casteel(9)