15 Totally Creepy Kids Videos On YouTube

Apparently, it's much, much easier than you thought to make children's videos absolutely horrifying. DailyDot called that to our attention with their post about the eleven most unintentionally creepy children's videos on YouTube. And as one does, I happened to read the post and lose myself in a giant and terrifying hole of children's videos online. Let me tell you something: Most of these "children's" videos are completely inappropriate for children. Some of them are flat out scary, like the ones in which you can watch cartoon wolves devour whole humans and goats, while some of them are most subtle and just... weird.
I've combined some of DailyDot's finds (what, like I'm going to leave them out? Props where props are due: It's a solid list they put together) with some of my own to bring you a truly disturbing list of bizarre children's videos on YouTube. I believe the moral of this story is: police your children's online activity, even when you THINK they're watching something that's designed for kids. Because these videos are definitely specifically for children, but are just the kinds of things that will give children nightmares too. It's a grim world of children's viewing on YouTube, I'll tell you what. And it's not just children that are going to be shaken by these videos. If you're anything like me, you'll be looking over your shoulder too. Especially when you get to Ginger the cat...
1. Five Strict Moms Nursery Rhyme
This is basically revenge porn for kids forced to follow rules by their mothers.
2. Johny Johny Yes Papa Nursery Rhyme
The whole way through this, you're just kind of waiting for a murder to happen.
3. Finger Family - Vegetables
The concept of this is mind boggling: Vegetables have smaller vegetables growing out of their fingers. Also quite disturbing seeing as each vegetable is on a background of butcher's knives, suggesting these personified vegetables are not long for this world.
4. Alphabet Song Baa Baa Black Sheep Puppet
The alphabet as sung by the world's most terrifying frog puppet.
5. Frozen ELSA TWINS Baby Dolls Felicia and Alex ❤ Frozen Kids Barbie Family Parody DisneyCarToys [sic]
6. Chubby Cheeks Rhyme - Love All & Help All - NEW VERSION - Popular Nursery Rhymes for Children
This seems to be a bizarre personal ad for some animated children of the corn.
7. Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Kids Dance Song - Nursery Rhymes & Songs for Children
There's an animated little girl in this who has no business shaking her hips the way she's shaking her hips.
8. Happy Birthday Song - Pancake Manor
Two puppets that look like convicted sex offenders.
9. Talking Ginger - Happy Birthday
This is going to haunt your nightmares.
10. Common Adjectives-Learning Videos for Children
There's a strange amount of pain and suffering in this video
11. Little Red Riding Hood and The Big Bad Wolf - Grimm's Fairy Tales
This cartoon version of Little Red Riding hood is both graphically violent and really, really scary. I mean, I'm a grown up and it creeped me out.
12. Wolf & Seven Little Goats - Moral Story For Kids
Like the Little Red Riding Hood animation, this one is equally terrifying, showing the wolf literally wolfing down the friendly little goats, the goat mother's grief at finding all her babies killed, and her gleeful Liam Neeson-esque revenge on the wolf.
13. Subjects under Science || Children Learning Video
The cartoons in this are creepy, especially the Bond villain-like man with a transparent face.
14. Wise Owl's Drug Safety Kit: What's a Drug?
Kind of reminds me of this guy.
15. Kidmo: Johnny Rogers: Love God, Love Others Bible Story
Setting aside the fact that these finger puppets look like dressed up penises, they're still creepy as hell to look at, especially the ones with angry eyebrows.
Image: YouTube